I Saw You

Week of December 15th

Are you for real? Are you for real or just an angel who was sent my way to comfort me on a morning when I longed to have my late son in my life for just a few minutes; for him to give me a sign that he was still with me. I wrote about you in the November 17th issue of the Inlander. You were the one out at Northern Quest Casino on Monday, November 7th, between 7 AM and 9 AM. I haven't seen you since. I talked to the Class A Badge security guard you were with that day and told him the story. He couldn't figure out who you might have been or why you were with him. My husband, who is former law enforcement and hears and sees everything, said (when I told him about you), 'I knew someone was there but I didn't see anyone.' So are you for real or an angel that was sent to let me know that everything was all right? Whoever you are, wherever you are, another heartfelt thank you for being there that day with a wonderful, cheerful smile and for being my 'angel'.

You thought i moved away I was at the davenport at a friends christmas party. I broke away and was looking at all the pictures in yhe hall. We caught eyes and i remembered you from somewhere but couldnt place it. You started speaking to me and asked how i had been. I knew you but couldnt remember your name but your face was so familiar and i was comfortable with you. You said you thought i moved away and i said no. After a brief talk you said it was nice to see me and you you walked away to your friends who i could hear asking you who i was as they all stared at me. I felt like there was more you wanted to say but didnt. Maybe there was more i wanted to say but didnt. Im not sure but after i walked away i wished i would have done something to keep you there longer... if only i could remember anything about you. Name or where you worked i could find you again. Somehow i hope this finds you......G

Hey Jeremy You were my Uber driver Saturday night of the first big snow after your day on the mountain. You picked me up at my apartment and dropped me off at the Unforgiven lounge. Wish we had circled the block a few more times. Let's "run in to each other" again! You have my number (I think) and you know where I live. Tag- you're it! ~GNSD

There is no black or white Thirteen times is always a charm, but then you write in such cryptic style. In that you assumed I sent flowers, I'll assume you didn't read the accompanying card. Suffice it to say, the card was an apology and a goodbye. I could never put myself or any one else though what I experienced, learned I was capable of...ever again. I love my simple life. It is fulfilling and busy, and I don't want to miss a single moment. You marked my soul. I will carry that brief time close to me always. Goodbye woman of my dreams

I know you are there and that you see me Your words are so soft and calm, I know it's you, even though I have to read it twelve times to understand the undertones intended. The copper rose..... looks a lot more gold, doesn't it? the "bouquet" of flowers... if YOU had taken receipt, would have known they were white chocolate covered pretzels. In that you did not receive them, the consignee was not you, I did not have to pay. so....touche. Regarding the patience and "i don't think I can be hurt by you again"; DITTO. and most certainly DITTO. Sometimes, ask anyone, no action is the worst decision ever. To sit and do nothing while you know someone's love for you is ill-guided, is WRONG. Because you didnt return my blatant angry words does not make you guileless. It does make me nastay though, don't you think :) I smile every time I drive to work and can see your place. You are no longer my issue. :)

To the Sacred Heart Cafeteria Employees. To the Sacred Heart Cafeteria Employees. I hope you all know what an integral part you play in the lives of the family of patients in SH. One day spent in chaos with absolutely no time to nourish ourselves showed us the importance of a good meal to keep us going. The next day we made it to the cafeteria and I found myself marveling at the kindness of the cooks and cashiers, and the variety of choices from comfort food to healthy options. We were able to take a moment, not worry about anything, and refuel. On 12/07/16 we stopped in for lunch once again, and again I was struck by your kindness. A man had brought his daughter in for breakfast (at lunch time, likely a hectic morning for those two as well,) and the cook explained that there wasn't a breakfast option left but was very understanding and made the young girl a special breakfast. Thank you. May God bless you all. Your heart for others has not gone unnoticed.

You Help Spokane Be Great You guys rock. Thank you for constantly showing your interest in our community!!

Welcome Neighbor Reverse welcoming was a holiday gift to me. I was hauling tires to put in the back of my vehicle, in the dark on a snowy evening., a couple walking asked if I needed help. I was over halfway finished, didn't want to impose. They insisted, getting the rest of the job done in less than a minute. Turns out Joe and Diane are new to Spokane, from Kent, WA. Good neighbors, giving me a welcome in reverse, a well established neighbor in the Grant neighborhood, as I teased them. Thanks, neighbors; you are a great addition to our neighborhood and to Spokane. The offer of tea waits for you any time.

Re: Who said protesting ever changed anything? My whole point was that the protestors TOTALLY FORGOT about one of their own because they were TOO BUSY protesting. That was really the whole point. How could they forget Transgender Day of Remembrance? Because they were TOO BUSY pushing their own cause. I still say shame on them! But you are right, many cannot sit down and have a civil conversation with anyone anymore. However, I have run across a few people who believe different than me and rather than protest, they have SAT DOWN and TALKED CIVILLY about different things they can do to change the world. No protesting involved!!!!! Thanks, T & G!!!! You are the hope for the future!

12 Day of Christmas Dear Retailers and Marketers Bent on the Cultural Appropriation of Christmas: The 12 Days of Christmas do not overlap with Advent (the four Sundays leading up to Christmas). The 12 Days of Christmas begin on the 25th of December and go until Epiphany (the 6th of January).

How To Be A Partisan ***hole In A Few Easy Steps. That's right, you too can be as big a jerk as a billionaire or other arrogant p**cks. It's easy! Just follow these few suggestions. A) Make sure to patronize anyone who disagrees with you with an insult or stereotype. These can include, but are not confined by; STUPID, loser, nerd or pretending fake sympathy. As well as the old standbys, ***hole, pig, pondscum and everybody's favorite "stinky butt". B) Always assume every bad thing you hear, see or read about the people you hate is actually true and that you and yours alone are the only ones worthy of anything worthwhile, like jello or a bribe from a rich person. C) Lastly, never, ever compromise or apologize for anything. Especially if you the one causing all the trouble. But rather, do feel free to tell more lies if it serves your "truth". (if you know what I mean). Well, there you go again! But, it's true. Anyone...Including me! Can be a partisan divisive or ***hole. So, get out there and let's keep America utterly divided. The billionaires prefer it that way. ♦

Higher Ground: An Exhibition of Art, Ephemera and Form @ Washington State University

Mondays-Fridays, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Continues through Oct. 31
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