Memorial Day weekend at the Piano Bar You were with your blonde friend, she Is slimmer but you ended up being more attractive to me, way more. You're so much fun, I watched you for a bit, you were completely carefree, dancing, laughing having a good time. If you're single, I don't know why. I'd love to have someone like you who knows how to live it up and doesn't care one bit about what people think. Don't ever lose this. You're beautiful. You walked away from your table and I followed, wanting you tell you this but you went in the bathroom and I just kept walking. So I hope you see this, and I hope it makes your day.
May 26 Wellesley and Nevada I was at the bus stop. You pulled up yawning. We made eye contact smiled you rolled down your window and said if you weren't so tired you'd offer me a ride. I really wished I would have just got in. I keep thinking I missed out. Let's go for a drive, coffee, walk in the park. I don't want wonder if your the one who got away??????
Let me help you with that bucket-list Red-headed, Officer M. -- I'm writing to thank you for your service in our community. It's people like you that make my job easier and safer. Thank you so much for what you do. Those guys better buy you a round. And should I ever be out when you are, you can consider a round on me too :). Make sure to tell your fellow officer hello for me. -- The Social Worker you have been emailing.
Mule daze dance thank you, Gail and Sam for social chat, polka, and chacha. Geek enough to find me for more?
To my 6th grade class! Thank you for an amazing 2016-2017 school year. Each one of you made the school year great! There were tough days and fun days, and I treasure every day I was blessed to spend with you as your teacher. Best of luck on your next adventure... Middle School! Remember to always be respectful, work hard, save for your future, be kind, smile, laugh often, and never doubt yourself. You matter! And I Love You all very much! Your Teacher
Motorcycle down in I90 Motorcycle down in the inside lane of i90 E of Division on Saturday. Three cars stopped — two blocked the downed rider with their vehicles, another directed traffic. Thanks for protecting the rider and keeping a bad situation for getting much worse.
My Bux To the Nevada and Hawthorne Starbucks Crew. You are the Best! I mean the absolute Star of Starbucks! Thanks for being such great people even early in the morning!
Thank You for your Kindness To the gentleman who found my keys and returned them to my gym. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Your kindness is very much appreciated.
I never took you for being a warm and friendly person. That all changed on Friday. So many times, I would see you and smile. However, you always averted your eyes and looked down at the floor or straight ahead; always avoiding eye contact at all costs. Even when others would speak to you, you could never look at them. The story in your eyes told of perhaps a difficult and rough life, and maybe you were just afraid that people would see the truth in your eyes. So I hesitated for a while to talk with you and held back. When Friday came, I decided to take one chance. What if that might be the one and only time? What if there never came another chance? You never know what tomorrow might bring. So I finally approached you. As soon as I said something, you immediately looked me in the eye and spoke. It was so nice to hear your voice; that beautiful accent you carry. It was pleasant to have a conversation with you; even though it was very short. Then I realized you really were a warm and friendly person as we talked. You were so congenial and pleasant. Before I left, you gave a very sweet smile; one that will stay with me for a lifetime. Based on personal decisions, seeing you Friday was probably the last time I will ever see you. I'm so glad I took that one chance.
Seriously? I moved here; actually left a deadly situation and hoped to create a new life here. I have a college degree, steady and very good employment, all my own teeth and all of my own hair. I am fit and healthy, nearly 50, and I would like to think I am not completely unfortunate looking. But, the thing is, I have yet to meet a man who doesn't clearly think themselves to be not only the bee's knees, but all that soooo much more. I am mystified. Seriously, for real?
JEERS TO JAYWALKERS! Advice to those of you who insist on crossing the streets of Spokane illegally... take the extra minute or two to walk down the street and use a CROSSWALK to safely cross the road, so your friends and family don't have to take three or four hours out of their day to attend your funeral because you got hit and killed by car!
Coeur d'Toilette What the hell is happening on Tubbs Hill? I saw two towels UNATTENDED way up a hill, as well as a plastic thing on the ground... and for no reason. The nature of Tubbs Hill sucks. And, when things get thrown around by people who do not care it makes the world sad. Sad that we can't be friends. It's a sick cat that has no hope or no future. Just stop please. Please stop e-mailing me. I didn't mean that about the towels...
You're not a Starr This is for the idiot in the blue Ford Dually who was driving north on Starr Road and lives somewhere on Roxanne. The speed limit is 45, not 35. Don't take you're sweet time turning west onto Roxanne and flip me off just because you think I'm too close. Go back and look for the 45 sign, it's about 500' north of the tracks on Starr.
Jeers to Mr Prominent Lawyer, Landlord Jeers to Mr Prominent Lawyer, landlord. You are aware of illegal drug activity at your duplex. When elderly, disabled tenant notified u of the issues, including threat made by 4 men trying to enter shared locked entry, that all windows in bldg will be shot out because of the drug users in unit stealing from them, can you honestly feel your request to tenant to please hold off on taking any action to ensure her safety for " month and a half or so" accepted offer in process & new owners will vacate drug tenants then is MORAL, FAIR? U should be ashamed taking Section 8i $$ while u are condoning life endangering activity just to make big bucks off sell of your duplex. Isn't her safety important to your greedy conscious at all. I hope sell falls through and SHA fines you at least all the rent they paid you for that tenants "safe housing" And I hope & pray that tenant is able to stay safe long enough to blow the top off your condoning drug sells & use in your rentals. U are ain unethical uncaring excuse for a landlord. Your spouse should go live alone in that unit and "wait it out" so you can complete & profit off sell of duplex. Maybe you would apologize for making succh a ridculous request.
S.T.A. shame Jeers for Spokane transit Authority and your Plaza Remodel. Your plaza facelift seemed legit at first. Now the new street level restrooms seem to be permanently closed. The old restrooms upstairs are still gross and broken. The roof of the new customer service center is fully visible from the second floor. It has not been cleaned in weeks. Dust coats the garbage and spit that have rained down from the adjacent escalators. The large analog clocks have been stuck at 12:08 since they were installed. Come on S.T.A. We were promised a clean, functioning facility. Get your act together. ♦