I Saw You

Week of December 28

Reel Rock reconnect We chatted briefly while grabbing a beer at the Reel Rock Film Festival. We both forgot each other's names since it's been a while. Somehow we forgot to exchange contact info. Hoping this reaches you somehow. Love to reconnect.

Was it me you were desperately looking for? I just had that feeling...as I stumbled upon you in this aisle, in that aisle, in the other aisle in Yokes at Latah. I considered just running my cart into...well, into your very sturdy tall body...but thought perhaps you would find me a dolt. So here I am - potential dolt looking for you randomly. You, tall black man, red socks that didnt appear strange at all. I do like a man who can carry off red socks. You appeared somewhat lost, perhaps it wasn't your store...or you found yourself going to a gathering and had that "what does one bring to this sort of thing?" moment. I kept bumping into you...with only a few things in my huge cart - you distracted me from whatever it was I was looking for. I..short dark hair, somewhere between 45 and 55, black dress with flowered shirt. I am not often so easily drawn to someone...so it must mean SOMETHING. Me. liberal, well travelled, independent, professional, normal-ish. [email protected]

Hungry man You: A nice blue-eyed fellow having dinner at my workplace a little over a month ago; ordered the pasta special and a beer and proceeded to inhale your food faster than I could say, "enjoy!". It was like that scene from Coneheads where the alien chick ate a subway sandwich in basically one bite and Chris Farley's character was all, "my mom's the only other woman I've ever known that can take a sandwhich like that!" Anyway, I guess that makes me Chris Farley so, color me impressed. And come back for dinner sometime. We got new specials ;)

Update on Adonis sighting You-Adonis (with black hair to waist) & mad at me because I didn't recognize you! You looked so young, like the 30 years have not occurred! Me-I have dementia and it took me all these months (March to December) to realize who you were! (Maybe Gene?) But, no way to contact you! I tried the library, restaurants (you might visit)! Your business card is stored in a storage locker and I have looked thru many boxes and addresses books to no avail. So sorry!!! [email protected]

Not So Silly? The first time you came out of the back room of that small local business, my body reacted with a shiver, a tingle. That was a surprise! Nothing like that had ever happened before. I kept coming back, to see if would happen again (it did.) I had no plans to do anything about this. I was just going to enjoy the feeling, and your company as I got to know you over many months. But with your moment of risk, letting me know it was mutual, the shiver exploded into fireworks. Everything in my life changed in an instant, for the better. Suddenly, I am ALIVE again, laughing again, at the strangest things. And the little shiver of attraction has deepened into love and desire beyond what I've experienced in many years of life. You once, early on, called me "silly" for my feelings. Doesn't seem so silly to me, now. You? If it does, then all I want is for you to stay silly with me. Always.

Cascadia's Options Cheers to Cascadia for having a TON of vegan options. Every time my girlfriend and I go up there, it seems like you have more! Tonight we had the tofu buffalo sticks, the impossible burger and the fried avocado tacos and they were all delicious! Thank you for putting so much effort into having phenomenal options for a group of people that is so often overlooked!

Coach Few So the Gonzaga basketball team has been to the NCAA tournament many years in a row and the team has had many good showings and many good players over the years. What do they all have in common? Coach Few. He's the one person who would never take credit for all of the success, but he's the reason for all of the success. So, cheers to Coach Few. He doesn't just create great basketball teams. He also provides a model for what a great person should look and act like beyond basketball. Thank you for continuing to stay in Spokane and saying "no" to the NBA and many other colleges across the US. God bless Coach Few.

To My Soulmate We have been pushing through this journey of what is called life for the better part of 6 yrs now and I couldn't be happier! A child, an addiction, a number of different homes. You and me have had our bad times but on the other side of things we also have one of the most B.E.A UTIFUL RELATIONSHIPS there could ever be! Thank you so much for all that you do for our little family and especially for me. I love you, I love us! Cheers BOOBALOO I'LL ALL WAYS LOVE YOU AND BE EVER THANKFUL AND GREATFUL YOUR YOU AND YOU CHOSE ME!

River Park Scrooge Jeers to River Park Square for replacing the company that does the Santa photos. The past couple of years you've been able to purchase a disc with up to 3 images, no prints, for a reasonable price. This worked great for us because my son and his cousin are 4 weeks apart, so we've always done 2 individual photos and 1 photo of both. It was affordable and didn't come with unnecessary crap. This year the disc isn't an option, and not only that but you can only get one pose per package. And the cheapest package is $30. The prints are awful quality and we had to pay $60 for them. Not only are the options terrible, Santa and the staff clearly hated their jobs this year.

Scofflaws The last I read, cutting across private property so you don't have to wait behind a few cars to make a right turn at a red light intersection is still illegal. You know who you are out there and I'm sure it's just part of your general makeup and way of living. Believe me, law abiding drivers notice you and we think you're total a-holes!

Book Hog BOOK HOG: I saw you at my Little Free Library, armload of children's books, hubby waiting in the car, son in the back seat. You said, "I think I found one you'll like" to your son as you proceeded to take about 15 children's books. What about the other 14 books? Do you think your child is the only one that might benefit from this wonderful FREE library? These Little Free Libraries are for everyone to enjoy- "Take a book, leave a book" means - don't take all of them and leave nothing! Please consider bringing some children's books back for others to enjoy. Also consider only taking one or two so others may also benefit from the free books. I spend my money going to thrift stores and yard sales, specifically looking for children's books. I believe that we need to encourage children to read, instill a love of books in them at an early age, and feed that love by making sure books are available to them. When you take all of the children's books in my Little Free Library, you are leaving nothing for the many other children in the neighborhood that might want a book. ♦

Higher Ground: An Exhibition of Art, Ephemera and Form @ Washington State University

Mondays-Fridays, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Continues through Oct. 31
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