Need an art infusion? Visit #newyearnewday2021 on Instagram for a new Spokane-based online gallery

click to enlarge Need an art infusion? Visit #newyearnewday2021 on Instagram for a new Spokane-based online gallery
Pierr Morgan
This Pierr Morgan sketchbook drawing is pretty darn realistic.

Terri Griffin knew she’d have to get creative when people were told to avoid large gatherings, so the artist and Liberty Gallery coordinator decided that if people couldn’t go out to look at art on the floor above Pottery Place Plus and Auntie’s, she’d make a gallery online.

Hence, the Instagram hashtag #newyearnewday2021 was born. You’ll find some of Griffin’s work there, as well as friends she reached out when she launched the project last week, and other artists who got wind of the project and were compelled to share their work with an audience largely captive at home and living online.

click to enlarge Need an art infusion? Visit #newyearnewday2021 on Instagram for a new Spokane-based online gallery
Katie Frey
Katie Frey works in acrylic paint on her piece First Robin of Spring.

“We all went in our studios to do art and soothe ourselves,” Griffin says. Creating an online gallery, she adds, is a way to “inspire the artists and share with the community.”

There are about 80 posts so far from a wide range of styles. As you furiously bounce between news websites and connect with friends on social media, a stop by #newyearnewday2021 might just give you a salve for your soul.

“Coming together as a community is what this is all about,” Griffin says.

click to enlarge Need an art infusion? Visit #newyearnewday2021 on Instagram for a new Spokane-based online gallery
Terri Griffin
Terri Griffin works in watercolor, as well as fused glass.

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Woman, Artist, Catalyst: Art from the Permanent Collection @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through March 9
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Dan Nailen

Dan Nailen was an editor and writer at the Inlander from 2014-2023.