5 Surprising Ways to Feel Great
Turns out that Mom really did know what's good for you and what's not.

Turns out that Mom really did know what’s good for you and what’s not. All those dictums of childhood — go outside to play, get enough sleep, clean your room and indulge in the occasional treat — are now coming full circle. Sleep, laughter, sunshine, clean spaces and tasty treats can deliver health benefits. Common sense and moderation are good guides, but there is plenty of room for joy in a healthy lifestyle.

5 Surprising Ways to Feel Great

Hearty Laughter

Light Up Your Life

Treat Yourself to Health

Clutter and Contentment

Indebted to Sandman

Mark as Favorite

Knit a Log-Cabin Blanket @ Shadle Library

Sat., Jan. 18, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
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