'Champ,' Tokyo Police Club

My, how TPC has grown.

Tokyo Police Club has changed a great deal — sonically speaking — since 2006’s tremendous EP A Lesson In Crime. The group’s members are no longer shouty upstarts and Champ displays a real range in songwriting.

The album’s opener, “Favourite Food,” begins with electronic drones only to give way to a barebones Neutral Milk Hotel-sounding acoustic rambling and then, somehow, finishes as a clappy rocker. The band’s grasp on their craft is also apparent on “Hands Reversed,” which pulls off a slow tempo and a sense of space that avoids unnecessary instrumental clutter.

Champ‘s biggest lags come when songs like “Not Sick” and “End of a Spark” employ a punchless middling pace.  The band is at its best when things get fast and fun. “Bambi” flows with a killer mash-up of fluttering electronic sounds that force involuntary head bobs and shoulder shakes. And the jerky dance vibe of “Big Difference” shines with similar energy.


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Seth Sommerfeld

Seth Sommerfeld is the Music Editor for The Inlander, and an alumnus of Gonzaga University and Syracuse University. He has written for The Washington Post, Rolling Stone, Fox Sports, SPIN, Collider, and many other outlets. He also hosts the podcast, Everyone is Wrong...