Welcome to the Eighth Annual Best of the Inland Northwest issue. As we do every year, we have tallied up the ballots that our dedicated readers sent in a few weeks back, and you'll find the results of that balloting in these pages. We have also included top vote-getters from North Idaho in a variety of categories. Then we highlighted some of the readers who participated in our poll, digging deeper into their ballots. Finally, we have included our editors' choices of what we think constitutes the Best of the Inland Northwest. So read on: We hope you'll appreciate the things that make this a great place to live as much as our voters do. And while you're reading, give a quick thought of thanks to all the people who make these institutions work -- or better yet, check them out for yourself.

The online edition is not yet available. Until then, The Best of 2001 can be found at over 480 locations throughout the Inland NW. Online editions will be available soon. Please check back later.

Heartistry: Artistic Wellbeing @ Spark Central

Tuesdays, 3-5 p.m.
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