by Inlander Staff

Semi-Tough -- Some guys want to knock heads so badly that if their team goes under, they simply set up another one.

Whatever the cause of the Spokane Nightmare's recent demise, some 28 players and a couple of the coaches have jumped ship to a new club, the West Plains Cowboys. Spokane now has its second semi-pro football team this year.

In their first exhibition game, the 'Boys traveled to Wenatchee to face the Apple Valley Bucks, emerging with a 29-6 victory; the rematch is Saturday night at 7 pm at Riverside High School in Chattaroy.

At Wenatchee, quarterback Brian Agnew threw a 40-yard touchdown pass to Cameron Winfrey and a 35-yarder to Bryne Tiseth, while on defense, cornerback Shawn Erickson returned an interception 35 yards for a TD and safety Dustin Clark snared two picks.

As for the future of the Cowboys, the 10-game regular season of the Inland Northwest Football League will extend from April 5-June 30, 2004; tryouts will be held in early February, probably at EWU. Other members of the new league include clubs in Ellensburg, Moses Lake, the Tri-Cities, Wenatchee and Yakima, with Treasure Valley (Oregon) as a possibility.

Visit or call 979-1442.

News You Can Use -- We were amused by this little item, culled from the latest issue of the Utne Reader: "According to the Great Lakes Brewing News (March 2003), beer is good for your health." The article goes on to say that researchers in the Netherlands have discovered that middle-aged men "who drink three or four glasses of beer with dinner each day have lowered risk of inflammation of arteries, which can lead to heart disease." Three or four glasses of beer with dinner? We're impressed. For some of us here in the Bin, three or four glasses would be dinner. Still, we're kind of thinking maybe we should be getting our health and dietary news from the American Journal of Medicine rather than the Great Lakes Brewing News!

Cathedral Revival -- Well, chances are there will be no snake-charmin', speaking in tongues or shouts of "Be Healed!!!", but you can bet the "Revival Music" concert in the Cathedral (this Friday, Sept. 12, at 7 pm) will have the capacity both to entertain and to change lives. Acoustic Christian rock phenom Joel Weldon is the scheduled revival music entertainer. Proceeds go to benefit Crosswalk and Cup of Cool Water, two organizations that help feed, clothe and shelter Spokane's homeless teens. Tickets are $10 and are available by calling 838-4277.

Publication date: 09/11/03

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