NEWS: Spokane City Council's sustainability subcommittee wants to know what concerns you most about climate change.
Information on their survey here.
NEWS: Here are a bunch of
headlines you may have missed on COVID-19 last week.
Spokane County still without confirmed COVID-19, Grant County patient dies
In a Sunday update, the Washington state Department of Health listed 136 confirmed COVID-19 coronavirus cases statewide, including 19 deaths, with one confirmed case erroneously
labeled in Spokane County before it was marked "unassigned" while more information was gathered, the
Spokesman-Review reports. While most deaths so far have been tied to an elderly care facility in Kirkland, a Quincy resident in their 80s also died.
Inslee considering mandatory measures to slow spread of coronavirus
While Washington state has been telling people how to practice good hygiene and slow the spread of COVID-19, Gov. Jay Inslee said Sunday that health officials are also
considering their options for curtailing social activities on a mandatory basis, should that become necessary, the
Seattle Times reports.
Some CDA firefighters hike in lieu of stair climb
After a popular stair climb cancer charity event for firefighters in Seattle was postponed, some firefighters
took to Canfield Mountain on Sunday instead, the
Coeur d'Alene Press reports.
Longhorn BBQ damaged in fire
In an early morning fire today,
Longhorn BBQ in the Valley was damaged, KXLY reports.
And now for something a little different
Spokane got to watch
The Bachelor play out live on Sunday when over the course of just 90 minutes, local bachelor Corbin Cabrera dated nine women and narrowed it down to give just one a final rose. (