Inslee's "public option" for health care, Trump's plea for a wall and other headlines


NATION: House Democrats, making guns a priority, unveil a background check bill.

NEWS: We talked to Ben Stuckart, Shawn Poole and Chris Schroll about where they stand on the SPD-ombudsman tussle.


Public option
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee announced yesterday a "public option" for health insurance in the state. (Seattle Times)

The only solution?
President Donald Trump said the border wall is the only solution to ending the immigration "crisis" in a televised Oval Office address. The Washington Post dinged him for getting it wrong.

...So did the New York Times.

And that's that
Washington's UTC denied the Avista-Hydro One merger and it's not interested in reconsidering. (Spokesman-Review)

Licky licky
Sorry. This was just weird. Some guy spent hours licking a doorbell of a residence in California. But it's not like he was smearing his tongue all over it. They were just weird, small licks. (Sacramento Bee)
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