by Inlander Staff
The Big Bounce -- His name's Jack Ryan, but he's neither the president nor is he played by Harrison Ford. This Jack Ryan is a smooth operatin' petty criminal invented by crime writer Elmore Leonard and inhabited by the comely good looks of Owen Wilson. It's one of those who's-doublecrossing-whom capers -- set in Hawaii -- with district judge Morgan Freeman, pretty criminal Sara Foster and scheming developers Gary Sinise and Charlie Sheen. Rated: PG-13
*** Girl With A Pearl Earring -- Suddenly popular Scarlett Johansson plays the title character in a fiction about a servant who poses for Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer's lovely and haunting painting. Played with long wig and great period costumes by Colin Firth, Vermeer is a lonely man, saddled with a horrid family, who can only breathe when he's at a canvas -- until he stumbles upon young Griet (Johansson) cleaning his studio, as someone who actually understands his work. An offbeat relationship develops. Stunning photography and production design. (ES) Rated PG-13
* The Perfect Score -- The word "perfect" simply doesn't belong in the title. This is a fluffy, often nonsensical tale of a sextet of high school seniors who attempt to steal an SAT exam to ensure they get good scores on their second tries. Despite a sense of desperation to their plan, the film works well only as a comedy, but much of the comic substance is too far over the top, and sometimes embarrassing. Scarlett Johansson looks great -- even with all that lipstick -- and it's nice to see her playing someone closer to her own age than usual. But the plot and the tidy ending are very easy to forget immediately. (ES) Rated PG-13
You Got Served -- You can tell the solidity of a friendship by such heartfelt utterances as "I know you better'n anybody. I know when you're trippin'!" Not to be confused with the as-yet-unmade sequels to either the Matthew Perry/Elizabeth Hurley romantic vehicle Serving Sara, nor the Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan sapfest You've Got Mail, You Got Served is the story of best friends David and Elgin, whose hip-hop crew has just lost a huge jackpot to a bunch of rich white kids from Orange County. Can they win their dignity back at the big $50,000 prize hip-hop competition? Will their friendship survive one guy dating the other guy's little sister? Rated: PG-13
**** Don't Miss It *** Worth $8 ** Wait For The Video * Save Your Money
& lt;i & Capsule reviews are written by Ed Symkus (ES) and Ray Pride (RP), unless otherwise noted. & lt;/i &
Follow these links for movie times and tickets at & lt;a href= " & amp;house_id=6584 & amp;.submit=Search " target= "_blank " & & lt;font size= "2 " & AMC & lt;/font & & lt;/a & & r & and & lt;a href= " & amp;txtCityZip=99202 " target= "_blank " & & lt;font size= "2 " & Regal & lt;/font & & lt;/a & & r & .
Publication date: 1/29/04