by Inlander Staff

Rebound -- When a big-time college basketball coach with a bad attitude (Martin Lawrence) gets fired, he starts over with a bunch of scrawny, no-talent junior high kids, who eventually warm his crusty heart and teach him the true meaning of the game. Aww. Though Martin looks to be playing pretty much the same fast-talking, sharp-tongued character he always does (which worked well in attitude-heavy shows like Martin and Bad Boys), there's no way it's going to be enough to transcend the schlock of this storyline.

Rated: PG

War of the Worlds -- Steven Spielberg's dream project works on every level but one of the most important ones: the ending. But uncalled-for sappiness aside, this is a terrific piece of filmmaking, with gigantic, often feverishly grisly visual effects sitting comfortably next to a character study of a man (Tom Cruise) who, while trying to figure out how to survive an attack by creatures who are bent on destroying mankind, also must become the father he never was. Wild, believable visuals, a New York nod to 9/11, and solid acting from Cruise. Not to be missed. (E.S.) Rated PG-13

Giant Book Sale @ Giant Nerd Books

Fri., Sept. 20, 11 a.m.-7 p.m., Sat., Sept. 21, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. and Sun., Sept. 22, 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
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