by Inlander Staff & r & & r & Glory Road -- Glory Road tells the story of the first all-black starting lineup of basketball players in a major-college championship game, at Texas Western College in 1966. The team was led by their groundbreaking yet humble coach Don Haskins (Josh Lucas, Undertow). Debut director James Gartner struggles with solidifying the film's socially explosive period aspects against the exacting demands of recreating a season's worth of hair-raising basketball games surging toward the 1966 NCAA tournament. (CS) Rated PG

Hoodwinked! -- It's the story of Little Red Riding Hood told from many different angles, none of which look very funny. Rated PG

Tristan and Isolde -- In classic star-crossed lovers form, Tristan and Isolde is loosely based on the Arthurian legend of two youths who want to date hella bad, but can't. The problem is that Tristan is a vassal of this dude named Lord Marke. Marke is a nice enough guy who wants to unite England and everything, but he needs to marry into another powerful family in order to accomplish that. The family is Isolde's, and Tristan is forced to win Isolde for Lord Marke. Tragedy ensues. Rated PG-13

Last Holiday -- Queen Latifah is a penny-pincher, but when she's diagnosed with some terminal disease or another, she decides to live it up in the two or so weeks the doctors give her to live. LL Cool J ensues. Rated PG-13

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Samurai, Sunrise, Sunset @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through June 1
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