by Inlander Staff & r & Catch a Fire

Tim Robbins and Derek Luke star in a thriller set in the waning years of the apartheid in South Africa. A young black family man (Luke) is complacent about his lot in life -- a good job, a healthy and happy family -- until he's mistakenly tied to a suspicious explosion and his family is subsequently terrorized. That's about where his complacency ends. Rated PG-13

Running With Scissors

The film adaptation of the sort-of-autobiographical Augusten Burroughs book about a 14-year-old boy growing up amid dysfunctional families has had a few edges softened. But it's still a great piece of darkly comic craziness. And everyone in it seems to be crazy except for our young protagonist (Joseph Cross), who's rather confused. With Annette Bening as his needy mom, Alec Baldwin as his drunken father, Brian Cox as his nutzoid psychiatrist, and Joseph Fiennes as his very troubled friend. (ES) Rated R


We've always believed that the first Saw was built out of a love for David Fincher's Se7en and an idea for a punny tag line ("See Saw" nearly made us puke). So what direction does the third installment take when the first was essentially directionless? More blood; more wanky, carpe-diem pseudo-philosophy; and a prot & eacute;g & eacute;. Yeah, a prot & eacute;g & eacute;. Rated R.

The Science of Sleep

Michael Gondry (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, all your fave music vids) takes his surrealism and gets childlike. Gael Garcia Bernal is a dude who can't distinguish dream from reality, and thus has all these hopelessly French claymation adventures. Charlotte Gainsbourg is his creative foil, someone as artistically brilliant as he is, but who actually does stuff with her life. Rated R

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Jupiter's Eye Book Cafe Grand Opening @ Jupiter's Eye Book Cafe

Fri., Jan. 17, 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
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