Seattle man from Cameroon targeted in hate crime, plastic filled whale's belly and other headlines


Spokane Mayor David Condon vetoed an ordinance from the City Council that aimed to stall plans to integrate city and county emergency dispatch services.

NATION: A judge ordered the Trump administration to resume accepting asylum claims from migrants no matter where or how they entered the United States.

click to enlarge Seattle man from Cameroon targeted in hate crime, plastic filled whale's belly and other headlines
Seattle Municipal Archives

Seattle man from Cameroon targeted in hate crime
Two men in Seattle have been arrested for a hate crime after they allegedly attacked another man outside of his home after photos of him and his husband were stolen and published online. The three men are part of Seattle’s Cameroonian community.

The victim’s mother, who still lives in Cameroon, was also attacked when the photos were leaked. Homosexuality is illegal in the Central African country of Cameroon. More from the Seattle Times.

It only gets worse
The death toll in California reaches 81. Rain could help fire crews, but possibly trigger mudslides. (CBS)

Missing any flip-flops?
A dead whale that washed ashore in Indonesia had a huge clump of plastic in its stomach, including some flip-flops. (ABC)

Prosecute the opposition
The New York Times reports that President Trump wanted the Justice Department to prosecute former FBI Director James Comey and Hillary Clinton, though his attorneys warned him about potential abuses of power.
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