The blue wave doesn't reach Eastern Washington; McMorris Rodgers and other Republicans leading in preliminary election results

click to enlarge The blue wave doesn't reach Eastern Washington; McMorris Rodgers and other Republicans leading in preliminary election results
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Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers is leading in early election results.

Republican Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers has successfully fended off her strongest challenge yet as she maintains a healthy lead against Democrat Lisa Brown in preliminary election results released tonight. Of course, many ballots are yet to be counted — including more than 70,000 in Spokane County — but so far it appears the blue wave many Democrats had hoped would sweep across America did not, in fact, reach Eastern Washington.

Below are preliminary vote tallies released tonight. Stay tuned to for more updates and election analysis.


U.S. Congress, 5th District

Rep. Cathy McMorris (R): 54.91%; 94,096  votes
Lisa Brown (D): 45.09%; 77,279 votes

click to enlarge The blue wave doesn't reach Eastern Washington; McMorris Rodgers and other Republicans leading in preliminary election results
Young Kwak
Democrat Lisa Brown brought the biggest challenge yet to Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, but fell short tonight.


Spokane County Commission

Al French (R): 56.44%; 68,716 votes

Robbi Katherine Anthony (D): 43.56%; 53,038 votes

Spokane County Commission

Mary Kuney (R): 61.99%; 66,762 votes
Rob Chase (R): 38.01%; 40,943 votes


Spokane Propositions

School Public Schools’ Proposition 1 (bond to build schools, replace stadium)
Yes: 66.89%; 36,113 votes
No: 33.11%; 17,874 votes

Spokane Advisory Vote (location of stadium)

Located at current Joe Albi site: 65.22%; 31,365 votes
Located downtown: 34.78%; 16,727  votes

Spokane Public Library Bond

Yes: 62.58%; 31,428 votes
No: 37.42%; 18,791 votes


Initiative 1631 (pollution)

This measure would charge pollution fees on sources of greenhouse gas pollutants and use the revenue to reduce pollution, promote clean energy, and address climate impacts, under oversight of a public board.
Yes: 44.46%; 793,726 votes
No: 55.54%; 959,535 votes

Initiative 1639 (guns)
This measure would require increased background checks, training, age limitations, and waiting periods for sales or delivery of semiautomatic assault rifles; criminalize noncompliant storage upon unauthorized use; allow fees; and enact other provisions.

Yes: 61.09%; 1,096,087 votes
No: 38.91%; 698,255 votes

Initiative 1634 (grocery tax)

This measure would prohibit new or increased local taxes, fees, or assessments on raw or processed foods or beverages (with exceptions).

Yes: 53.96%; 959,535 votes

No: 46.04%; 818,714 votes

Initiative 940 (law enforcement)

This measure would require law enforcement to receive violence deescalation, mental-health, and first-aid training, and provide first-aid; and change standards for use of deadly force, adding a "good faith" standard and independent investigation.
Yes: 59.76%; 1,065,653 votes
No: 40.24%; 717,454 votes

21st Annual Spokane River Clean-up @ High Bridge Park

Sat., Sept. 14, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
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Jacob H. Fries

Jacob H. Fries served as editor of the Inlander from 2008-2021. In that position, he oversaw editorial coverage of the paper and occasionally contributed his own writing. Before joining the paper, he wrote for numerous publications, including the Tampa Bay Times, the Boston Globe and the New York Times. He grew...