UPDATE: Some 2020 summer camps have been canceled since this guide was published. Please check with each camp organization for more information.
Dragon Racket Sports Camp
Through fun games and contests, learn the fundamentals and develop skills and an understanding of racket sports. Beginners and experienced players will have opportunity to play tennis, badminton, pickle ball and table tennis with a tournament-style competition near the end of the week. Grades 7-12. July 20-24 from 12:30-3:30 pm. At St. George's School. $150. sgs.org/summer 509-464-8814
Dragon Running Camp
This week-long session covers cross-country basics for beginning and intermediate runners. Grades 1-12. July 6-10 from 9 am-noon. At St. George's School. $125. sgs.org/summer 509-464-8814
Dragon Tennis & Ice Cream Camp
Through fun games and contests, learn the fundamentals and develop skills and understanding of tennis. Activities also include tie-dyeing T-shirts and making ice cream. Open to beginners and experienced players. Grades 2-6. July 20-24. At St. George's School. $150. sgs.org/summer 509-464-8814
G-Prep Cross Country Camp
A camp designed to meet the needs of all levels of runners interested in cross country. This faith-based camp consists of four runs, team-building activities and the designing of a summer running schedule. Coed, grades 9-12. June 15-17. Price TBD. gprep.com
G-Prep Pole Vault Club
This USA Track & Field Club coached by Brendon Algeier aims to help athletes of all ages to improve their technique, and reach their goals. All ages. Dates/times TBA. At Gonzaga Prep. For more information, email [email protected] or visit the Spokane Pole Vault page on Facebook. Price TBD. gprep.com
Gonzaga Tennis Camp
This camp offers daily examination of the fundamental strokes of tennis, pinpointing areas that can help players develop their game to the fullest. Includes breakdowns of doubles and singles strategy and competitive match play. Ages 8-18. Sessions offered June 14-19 and July 19-24. Day and overnight options. $425-$875. gonzagatenniscamps.com 280-8427
Hockey Ministries Camp
Campers receive instruction on the ice from top coaches and players in the sport, along with other activities including character-building exercises and more, in a faith-based setting. Boys ages 9-17. July 12-17. At EWU Cheney. $640-$660. hockeyministries.org 509-466-2990
Ironwood Throwers Camp
The 31st annual camp for track and field throwing athletes (discus, hammer, javelin and shot put) offers instruction from notable and former Olympians and world record holders. July 11-16. Resident/commuter options. At North Idaho College. $470-$700. ironwoodcamp.com
NBC Girls Lacrosse
Learn the foundations of a strong lacrosse player in this camp introduced last year. Players refine stickwork, ground balls, situational breakdowns, fast breaks, get an intro to college play, increase game speed and game knowledge with college coaches from across the U.S. Ages 10-18. July 6-9. At Whitworth University. Overnight/commuter options. $445-$495. nbccamps.com 800-406-3926
NIC Wrestling Camps
The largest summer wrestling camp in the Northwest, offering instruction in collegiate-style wrestling with emphasis on takedowns. Coaches include former Olympians and collegiate coaches. June 21-25 and June 28-July 2 (men's competition; grades 7-12); July 5-8 (youth camp, grades K-8; women's camp, grades 7-12 and men's intensive camp, grades 7-12). At North Idaho College; resident and commuter options. $200-$400. nicathletics.com/wrestling/camps 208-769-3318
Nike Junior Golf Camp
This camp accommodates all skill levels; the junior player just discovering the game, the high school player trying to move up on the team, and the tournament level junior looking to improve his or her tournament results. Ages 9-17. Sessions June 15-19 and Aug. 10-14. At Kalispel Golf & Country Club, Spokane. 495. ussportscamps.com 800-645-3226
Nike Junior Golf Camp (WSU)
Campers of all abilities enjoy daily instruction and course play under the direction of WSU coaches and current/former players. Coed, ages 10-18. June 28-July 1. At WSU Pullman. Resident/commuter options. $525-$925. ussportscamps.com
Nike Tennis Camp
This program teaches proper fundamentals, powerful strokes, balance and movement and overall appreciation for the game. Coed, ages 9-18. Sessions July 26-20 and Aug. 2-6. At Whitworth University. Resident/commuter options. $425-$695. ussportscamps.com
Peak7 Bower Adventure Course
An introductory leadership program designed to shape resilient leaders through a variety of outdoor skills. Youth explore their sense of identity while developing grit and perseverance. Students learn leadership skills such as decision-making, humility and effective communication through experiential education in hiking, whitewater rafting and climbing. Guides encourage and empower students while mentoring through Bible studies, journaling and individual and group discussions. Grades 9-12. June 22-Aug. 2. $1,350-$1,800 (scholarships available). peak7.org/BAC 509-724-0163
Relational Riding Academy Horse Camp
A horsemanship program offering half-day riding camps for beginning and experienced riders. Ages 8-13. Helmet, long pants and boots required. Sessions offered June 22-26, July 13-17, July 27-31 and Aug. 17-21; meets Mon-Fri from 9 am-noon. Only 20 spots open per session. At Relational Riding Academy in Cheney. $250/session. relationalridingacademy.com 509-290-4301
Skyhawks Golf
Camps teach the fundamentals of golf including swinging, putting and body positioning, with all equipment provided. Camps are held at local parks and schools throughout the Spokane/Coeur d'Alene area. Coed, ages 5-12. Sessions offered June 15-Aug. 21; see site for complete list of dates and locations. $134-$167/session. skyhawks.com
Skyhawks Lacrosse
Lacrosse combines basic skills used in soccer, basketball and hockey into one fast-paced game. Boys and girls learn the fundamentals of stick handling, cradling, passing and shooting in a fun, non-checking environment. Ages 6-12. Held at parks and schools in the Spokane/Coeur d'Alene area. Sessions offered June 15-July 31; see site for complete list of dates and locations. $139-$167/session. skyhawks.com
Skyhawks Multi-Sport + Mini-Hawk Camps
A multi-sport program to give kids an introduction to sports such as basketball, baseball, soccer, flag football, ultimate frisbee and more. Ages 4-12, with sessions for younger athletes (Mini-Hawks Camps). Camps are hosted at parks and schools in the Spokane/Coeur d'Alene area. Sessions offered June 15-Aug. 21; see site for complete list of dates and locations. $79-$167/session. skyhawks.com
Skyhawks Tennis
Camps teach proper grip, footwork, strokes, volleys, serves and game rules and etiquette. Camps are held at parks and schools in the Spokane/Coeur d'Alene area. Coed, ages 6-12. Sessions offered June 22-Aug. 7; see site for complete list of dates and locations. $109-$154/session. skyhawks.com
Skyhawks Track & Field/Cross Country
Kids can train for the upcoming cross-country season in the fall, or be introduced to the variety of events in the sport of track and field. Coed, ages 5-12. At parks in the Spokane area. Sessions offered June 25-Aug. 6; see site for complete list of dates and locations. $84-$154/session. skyhawks.com
SuperTots Multi-Sport
Depending on the session, young athletes learn fundamental skills and rules in soccer, basketball, baseball, football, and flag football through games and drills. Ages 2-6. Sessions offered June 17-Aug. 15, meeting once weekly. Sessions are held at parks and schools in the Spokane/Coeur d'Alene area; see site for complete list of times and locations. $40-$124/session. supertotsports.com
SYSA Flag Football Camp
Learn the fundamentals of flag football through drills teaching technique and form. Camp culminates with a game. Grades 1-6. July 20-23 from 10:30 am-noon. At the SYSA Indoor Center. $65. sysa.com
Wild Walls Indoor Climbing Camp
Kids learn and experience the sport of rock climbing through bouldering, top roping, knot tying, belaying, slacklining, rappelling, ascending, crate stacking and more. Ages 9-14. Sessions offered July 6-10, July 13-17, Aug. 3-7 and Aug. 10-14, meeting Mon-Fri from 9 am-2 pm. $250-$300/session. wildwalls.com 455-9596
WSU Tennis Day Camp
Campers enjoy detailed skill instruction in the morning, and spend the afternoon playing and competing in teams. Ages 3-18. June 22-25; full day (9 am-4 pm) or half-day (9 am-noon or 1-4 pm) sessions offered. At WSU Pullman. $125-$295. wsuathleticcamps.com
WSU Tennis Pee-Wee Camp
A comprehensive camp for young players. All campers receive a T-shirt. Ages 3-6. June 22-24 from 9-10:30 am. At WSU Pullman. $75. wsuathleticcamps.com
WSU Women's Tennis Camp
An overnight tennis camp for all ability levels, offering instruction, competition and fun activities. Ages 8-18. June 21-25. At WSU Pullman. $495. wsuathleticcamps.com ♦