OMG HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW 3D handheld thingy? We haven't either. But we've heard things. Less heard than witnessed: the collective shruggings of millions in the videogame community. Nintendo made a handheld gaming unit with a 3D screen that doesn't require glasses? Rad. The screen is like three inches? Less rad. It costs a million dollars? Hmmmm.
As a proof of concept, though? Jury's out. Might end up killing, like the original DS. Might find a place on the shelves of ignominy next to the Virtual Boy.
We'll let you all spend your money finding out. Keep us posted, though.
The Tourist
The every-man-embroiled-in-espionage ended up being so effing laughable it earned Golden Globe nominations in the comedy category. Can't make this stuff up, folks. At least Depp and Jolie are still hot. Rated PG-13
Yogi Bear
I know some of you have children, so I feel compelled to alert you to the existence of this film. That is all. Rated PG
How Do You Know
Classic love triangle during a quarter-life crisis, sexed up by the fact that Reese Witherspoon is a hella good softball player. Wait, did we say sexed up? We meant ... Rated PG-13
We could waste a day going through all the releases this week (Jennifer Hudson! Green Day live! Panic at the Disco, etc) sure to interest fans of certain kinds of music, but we thought we'd focus on two releases that may just stand the test of time. The way obelisks in Egypt do. Maybe not that test, but a similar one.
All You Need Is Now | Duran Duran
Okay, another DD album is cause enough to celebrate. But then we heard Mark Ronson was producing. Then we heard Ronson describe All You Need Is Now as an "imaginary follow-up to Rio that never was," and we were like "OK, this guy gets it."
W.A.R. | Pharaohe Monch
NY Rapper gets lots of critical acclaim for bringing merciless bleakness back to rap — and not in a schizoid DMX way, or a coke-game way, or a Michael Vick way, either. These are not narrative raps. They're stacked rhymes about kicking ass.
Another thin week. Mostly ports from one current-gen format to another (as in the case of ASSASSIN'S CREED: BROTHERHOOD coming to PC) to remakes of classic games (as in the PSP's DISSIDIA 012, an update of SquareEnix's Final Fantasy universe fighting game).
The one interesting release is Ridge Racer 3D, which, critical consensus says, makes the best use of the Nintendo 3DS' 3D screen out of all the titles available at launch — showcasing what's possible, if not totally justifying the device's existence.