"name": "Broadstreet - Instory",
"component": "25846487",
"insertPoint": "4",
"requiredCountToDisplay": "4"
"name": "Broadstreet - Empower Local",
"component": "27852456",
"insertPoint": "8",
"requiredCountToDisplay": "8"
"name": "Broadstreet - Instory",
"component": "25846487",
"insertPoint": "12",
"requiredCountToDisplay": "12"
"name": "Broadstreet - Instory - 728x90 / 970x250",
"component": "27852677",
"insertPoint": "18",
"requiredCountToDisplay": "18"
"name": "Broadstreet - Instory",
"component": "25846487",
"insertPoint": "5th",
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Where do you think you are? In Seattle? Are you trying to be like Buffalo
Exchange? I don't understand how you stay open charging such high prices
for used clothing! I did find a lot of cute clothes but on my way to the
register I noticed $12.99 on the tag for a simple shirt! Huh? I could get a
new one at Ross for cheaper. I like to shop second hand because it saves
money and keeps all the stuff from just ending up in a landfill. I am not
saving money, so I am sorry. I will be shopping elsewhere until you realize
that you are a used clothing store. And I suggest everyone else do the same.