Parkside Bistro bites the dust Last month we wrote about the imminent closure of the Coeur d'Alene landmark pub, as its lease with the city ran out. Now the deal is done. The building was demolished yesterday. (CdA Press)
Helicopter crashes in backyard A student pilot died yesterday when he crashed a light helicopter into a backyard near Felts Field. (KREM)
McKinstry expanding into old railroad building The Seattle-based green development company will expand from its current downtown location to the former train yards of the Inland Empire Railroad Co., near Gonzaga. (SR)
Ken Griffey, Jr. is retiring! Shocker! (Seattle Times)
Special session necessary? Gov. Christine Gregoire says that without a six-month extension of Medicaid funds from the federal government, state legislators may have to go back to the drawing board on the budget she signed into law a month ago. (Olympian)