A moment of silence — President Obama called for a moment of silence this morning (8 am PST) to reflect on Saturday's mass murder and assassination attempt in Tucson. (BBC)
Local politicos react to shootings (KXLY)
'Come out, come out ...' — Lottery officials hoping mystery Post Falls mega millions winner will step forward (AP)
'A tangled web ...' — President's tax deal with Congressional GOP has IRS and tax preparers scratching their heads. (Bonner County Daily Bee)
Fateful four seconds — Protesters greet opening of coroner's inquest into fatal police shooting. (Seattle Times)
Not so 'trans' — A leak at the first underground pump station has shut down the Trans-Alaska Pipeline and reduced North Slope oil production to five percent of normal until it's fixed. (NPR)
Monday bonus video! — Sports guys dissect Seahawks "beasting" of the Saints. (Seattle Times)