MORNING BRIEFING: A 200-year-old fish, weed-eating goats and Portland hipsters


The federal sequester is expected to result in drastic layoffs later this year for federal defenders — who represent the poorest defendants — in Eastern Washington. (S-R)

The Washington state Legislature and Gov. Jay Inslee yesterday approved an undergrad tuition freeze for public colleges and universities for the 2013-14 school year. (S-R)

Goats are good for a lot of things — milk, cheese and just being cute pets — but they're also helping control weeds for Avista Utilities. (KHQ) 


A Seattle man caught a 40-lb. shortraker rockfish off the coast of Alaska that's estimated to be at least 200 years old. (Yahoo) 

The Vatican is close to declaring the late Pope John Paul II (pope from 1978-2005) a saint. (CNN) 

Not really news, if you ask us, but apparently hipsters are taking over Portland. (KREM)