Been naughty for most of the year? Consider giving a little something to these local nonprofits. If nothing else, it's a deposit in the good karma bank, and it may convince the old fellow that you're one of the nice guys.
With community food security in mind, this nonprofit's aim is to nurture and harvest otherwise unwanted fruit and nuts from urban trees that thrive in our area. To assist in accessing this natural bounty, residents of the Inland Northwest can register trees, public or private, for harvest consideration on Spokane Edible Tree Project's website. Monetary donations or the volunteering of your time are always appreciated. Also, consider contributing to the group's seasonal wish list which includes pruning tools, 5-gallon buckets, orchard ladders, gas gift cards, and water jugs and coolers. For contributions of physical items, it's best to call ahead or email [email protected]. Spokane Edible Tree Project • 25 W. Main, # 44 • spokaneedibletreeproject.org • 208-2890
The SCRAPS Hope Foundation is one of many local organizations helping out furry friends who are in need, especially during these cold winter months. This dynamic foundation offers a myriad of services such a food bank for pets, free dog-training classes, medical treatment, and rehabilitation and placement of abandoned and abused animals. You can be a Santa for all these critters by providing donations of dog and cat treats, animal toys, and quality dog or cat food — there's a wishlist on their website. Of course, there's always monetary help, which funds medical treatment for animals in need. Item donation can be made at SCRAPS' main facility. Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Services • 6815 E. Trent • bit.ly/2imuGie • 477-2532
The National Alliance on Mental Illness Spokane chapter is an all-volunteer organization providing support for individuals living with mental illness and their families. NAMI's efforts are focused on advocacy, providing a voice to the afflicted, and improving the lives of clients through volunteer-supported programs. The organization also hosts events to encourage community engagement and outreach, and to raise funds for its support programs. NAMI Spokane's grassroots programs are supported best by becoming a member, or by financial contributions. National Alliance on Mental Illness Spokane • 10 N. Post, Suite 638 • namispokane.org • 838-5515
Spokane is growing, and so is the population of refugees from the war-torn ends of the earth. The Global Neighborhood Thrift Store offers refugees opportunities aimed at helping them adjust to their new lives — including job training and paid work with flexible schedules for attending ESL classes. Contributions of household items, gently used clothing, books, and furniture can be made to Global Village Thrift or by pick up at your household for large items. Global Neighborhood Thrift Store • 902 W. Indiana • global-neighborhood.org • 868-0001
Established in 1985, this dropout prevention program and youth emergency shelter has served Spokane's at-risk youth 365 days a year ever since. Many kids who are guided by Crosswalk's professional staff arrive with histories involving substance or sexual abuse, are in the midst of familial conflicts, or are at high risk for depression and suicide. Crosswalk's many services include medical and mental health care, family reconciliation services, tutoring and enrichment activities, and job placement assistance. There are numerous opportunities to assist Crosswalk and the youth relying on their services. Preparing a meal in a commercial kitchen and donating it to the facility is a huge support; ingredients can also be donated for the staff to prepare and serve. Contributing household items to their affiliate Volunteers of America Thrift Store (6206 E. Trent) also serves to support Crosswalk and other programs in the Inland Northwest. Crosswalk Teen Shelter • 525 W. Second • voaspokane.org/crosswalk • 838- 6596
The Salish School of Spokane dedicates much of its work to the preservation of the Interior Salish Languages, which were listed under UNESCO'S list of critically endangered languages. After racially charged vandalism impacted the school this past year, it is an appropriate time to show your support for the cultural diversity that the Salish School offers the region. The school offers language immersion and community language classes free of charge three days a week; they also run the Native American Youth Mentor Program geared to training Native American youths to act as mentors to elementary school students. Financial donations are the biggest need for this nonprofit, but they also have an ongoing need for new books for preschool and elementary school students, as well as art supplies like colored construction paper, tempera paint and washable markers. Salish School of Spokane • 4125 N. Maple • salishschoolofspokane.org •325-2018
Childhood cancer takes a toll on a family. And in such trying times the ACCO is committed to supporting kids and their families by offering an emotional and practical support system. The organization works with families from all over Eastern Washington as well as those traveling from Idaho and Montana. Donations of time are important with openings for many talents. A complete wish list for practical items needed to create "new patient bags" and "emergency overnight bags" is available on the website. American Childhood Cancer Organization Inland Northwest • 3021 S. Regal #104 • acco.org/inlandnw/ • 443-4162
The Lands Council nonprofit strives to protect the forests, waterways and natural ecosystems of the Inland Northwest to preserve the ecological balance of our beautiful region. Aside from their work out in the field, they also engage in community outreach focusing on environmental education and even work with the incarcerated, teaching classes on green jobs and environmental literacy. There are a myriad of ways to offer your support, from monetary donations to shopping on Amazonsmile, which will donate .5 percent of the purchase price of an item to the Lands Council when it's selected as the beneficiary. Gently used equipment such as shovels, picks and gardening tools are also welcome donations. Arrangements for physical donations should be made ahead of time. Lands Council • 25 W. Main #222 • landscouncil.org • 838-4912
As victim advocates for survivors of sexual assault and trauma, Lutheran Community Services provides help to those who need it most. Offering crisis response assistance on the telephone hotline or in-person at hospitals, the nonprofit works with both adults and children who find themselves in traumatic circumstances. There are many ways to help. Visit their website to offer your time or monetary support; there's also Amazon wish list at http://amzn.to/2j3qYHg featuring needed clothing items like T-shirts, bras, underwear and socks. Lutheran Community Services NW • 210 W. Sprague • lcsnw.org/Spokane/index.html • 747-8224
Family Promise offers four programs to assist homeless families. The Neighbors program provides rental assistance for families in crisis; Open Doors is a family day emergency shelter open from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm. The Bridges program works in conjunction with numerous churches to help families transition from homelessness to homes, and Village offers support for newly housed families. A complete wish-list can be found on their website. Among needed items are laptops for job searches, household items such as toilet paper and cleaning supplies, and basic foods — sugar, milk, butter and eggs. Family Promise of Spokane • 904 E. Hartson • familypromiseofspokane.org • 747-5487 ♦