Burton Cummings has taken artistic integrity to the next level. Burton made his name as the frontman and co-songwriter for the legendary rock band The Guess Who, penning classics still in heavy rotation like “American Woman.” But last year he made the decision to make the unprecedented move to renounce his royalties in all forms in order to shut down a band that had been falsely billing themselves as The Guess Who for years. He quite literally put his money where his mouth is to protect his artistic legacy. So when Cummings swings by Spokane Tribe Resort & Casino to celebrate The Guess Who’s 60th anniversary by playing all the hits, you have a chance to directly support a creator who doesn’t just do it for the dough.
Burton Cummings • Sat, Jan. 25 at 8 pm • $38-$89 • All Ages • Spokane Tribe Resort & Casino • 14300 W. SR-2 Hwy., Airway Heights • spokanetribecasino.com