by MICHAEL BOWEN & r & & r & Highbrow-Tech & r & & r & Preeminent classical label Deutsche Grammophon has opened the DG Web Shop, where you can download MP3 files without copying restrictions. Albums cost a couple bucks more than at iTunes, but DG has also made available hundreds of its out-of-print releases -- just in case you can't resist that urge for Pinnock's Corelli or Giulini's Bruckner.

Dumb Evil Blonde Joke

Some Catholics and evangelical Protestants are decrying the ostensible atheism of The Golden Compass. (Inlander HQ even received a circular advocating a boycott of the movie.) But we know the real source of conservatives' ire. In the movie, Nicole Kidman's villainess is a "Mrs. Coulter" -- obviously an allusion to the gay-bashing, 9/11 widow-hating "perfected Jew" and object of Karl Rove's lust: She Who Must Not Be Named (though her Christian name starts with the scarlet letter A).

True, Absolutely

The reviews of Sherman Alexie's The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (it won a National Book Award, didya hear?) have emphasized the Young Adult part and the Indian part. But really, it's book for old adults too, Indian or not. When Alexie describes climbing the tallest tree in the neighborhood or winning a packed-gym basketball game or getting in a fistfight with his best friend or marveling over how ugly/beautiful Indians are when they're drunk/generous -- and when Ellen Forney illustrates him as half dejected Indian, half hopeful white kid -- he's representing what it's like for any outsider, no matter which clique or socioeconomic barrier he or she is standing outside of. Arnold Spirit is a warrior.

Symphony Outgrows Fox!

Spokane Symphony President Peter Moy & eacute; today announced a new $62 million capital campaign to replace the outdated Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox. "For our fine orchestra, we need the acoustics and wall decorations of the 22nd century," says Moy & eacute;, "not the curlicues of the 20th century and the reverb levels of the 21st." Music Director Eckart Preu has insisted on a new performing arts center "or else I'm moving the entire orchestra to Tulsa -- with the Sonics, Oklahoma City's already taken," says Preu. "All this art deco stuff is fine, but where are the luxury boxes? And I rather like that video strip they have at the Arena now."

(This message brought to you by Fake Fox News.)

T-Swift Dance Party @ The Wonder Building

Fri., April 19, 7-10 p.m.
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