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Campbell House Holidays

Experience a Spokane holiday setting out of the 1900s when you step inside the Campbell House for its annual holiday event. The historic mansion was designed by famed Spokane architect Kirtland K. Cutter in the Neoclassical Revival style. The Campbell family, who invested in local silver mining operations, resided in the home until matriarch Grace Campbell’s death in 1924, when it was then given to Eastern Washington State Historical Society — it’s been part of the MAC’s campus since. Visitors can interact with docents dressed to fit the times, enjoy a scavenger hunt and make a calling card. The smell of fresh cookies will also fill the air, and you’ll learn the secret to making Campbell House cookies.

Campbell House Holidays • Thu, Dec. 19-Sun, Dec. 22 from 12-4 pm • $22 • Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture • 2316 W. First Ave. •

— Dora Scott