When: Fridays, 6 p.m. and Tue., Dec. 31, 6 p.m. Continues through Jan. 24 2025
Even if you’re more likely to be labeled a triple klutz than land a triple lutz, there’s plenty of fun to be had throughout the winter at Riverfront Park’s Numerica Skate Ribbon. And for those who like to inject some sonic goodness into their winter wonderland-ing, every Friday on the ribbon (through January) gets a musical boost via DJ Night on the Ice. Spokane’s own DJ A1 — who you may have seen spinning Latin dance tracks at the Knitting Factory’s Fuego! nights — mans the turntables, and added lights and contests make the atmosphere even more festive. While talented skaters are sure to get in the groove, those uncoordinated souls amongst us can at least maybe get some comedy out of accidentally timing their physical drops to the ice with the DJ’s beat drops.
DJ Night on the Ice • Fridays in January from 6-9 pm • $7-$10 per hour (skate rental $7) • All ages • Numerica Skate Ribbon • 720 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • my.spokanecity.org/riverfrontspokane