I Saw You

Week of July 7


HELPING SOMEONE ROAD RAGE: You, lady in white minivan helping a person in white Ford SUV who was road raging, tailgaiting and cutting off many other cars. Francis between 3:30-4. Hope you're not in an abusive relationship; why else would you help? I'm a home health worker trying to get to my client. You blocked traffic so the sicko could follow me. What up, girl?

RE: YOU ARE MAGNETIC TO ME: Whenever we get the chance to chat it just feels so natural, and sitting with you outside recently was picturesque. Are we both just unsure? I personally find it very difficult to express myself around others, especially since covid made me a veritable shut-in, my bad. I think my face has forgotten how to emote, and busy places put me on edge. I'm assuming both of us are going in the same direction, why would this be so awkward otherwise? Even a simple greeting is apparently impossible outside forced interactions; it would be funny if it wasn't so frustrating. I probably should've responded sooner, but every time I see you I learn something new, and it gets even more difficult. Perhaps we just need another avenue to communicate? Here's an ancient email address [email protected]. In any case I'll see you again soon, maybe we can even say hi :P

YOU GOT CAUGHT: To the pizza co-worker who likes to switch tags, if your antics at work leaves others looking bad and costing the company money, do you really think you will continue to get away with it? YOU GOT CAUGHT TONIGHT, AND IF YOU DO IT AGAIN, I WILL NOT BE VENTING TO THE INLANDER. I may be new, but at least I am nice with sincerity, unlike your fake ass smiles.

HANDSOME MAN AT THE CAR WASH: I was at the Coeur d'Alene Metro car wash when I saw you in your work pickup that had "Airway Service Inc." on the side. I don't know who you are, but you are very handsome and struck my attention. You had Texas plates, so hopefully by chance you run across this.


NEAR THE DELI AT NORTHSIDE COSTCO... You approached me to compliment my tattoos, and I was immediately captivated by your kind and warm demeanor. When you shook my hand to introduce yourself, I melted as both of your hands cupped mine. I've been kicking myself for not asking for your number... so if you're out there, Robert, know that this tattooed babe has been thinking of you! You can email me at [email protected].

HIT WITH A COCONUT: You saw me cooking dinner, and the strangest thing happened. A coconut bonked you on the noggin, and suddenly a sensational truth came to you. We loved each other. We can be really happy together. I still have the coconut you gave me after that night. I still love you, doubly so since then. Nikita, I want you to marry me, will ya? -C

NO LIFE: HILLYARD CAR WASH: Me washing my Delta 88, you saw me. You caught my eye when you pulled up next to me by the vacuums checking me out. I could not help but notice how sexy you are, waiting patiently. When I walked around to sit at the wheel you was looking hard; smiling, you said hello I am Michael, and I said hello I am Melissa. You looked into my soul, melting me like butter. You persistent, me so flustered, I gave you the first three numbers wrong. So if you're out there and you read this, the first three numbers are 558 NOT 588. Michael, call me or see me at the car wash. Melissa ([email protected])


REAL AMERICANS MATTER: How many "Black" faces were seen at the attack on the Capitol on January 6th? After watching this horrendous act, I saw only one. I'm not praising Black people for staying away, I'm posting to say that real Americans were not willing to disrespect our democracy.

GOOD WEEDS: Not once but twice within a month I have been thought of by two extremely honest people. The first time was when I left my purse on a bench & it was found & taken into the Rite Aid on 29th street & last Saturday when I laid my pink frozen food bag down on the cement by the Shadle Safeway. I haven't an explanation for why all of "this" took place, good luck or divine intervention? What I do know is not only was I saved heartache twice, but the two thoughtful & honest souls must have felt proud for their kind actions. Thanks & best wishes go out to both of them.

HELPED ME BACK OUT: To the kind young lady that was wearing a MUV fitness jacket that helped me back out of my tight parking spot at Riverfront Square parking garage, thank you!!!! I couldn't have gotten out without hitting something without you! Appreciate you!


RE: RE: ACTUAL DAMAGES: Clearly you have never been in the military nor do you know as much about firearms as you think if you really believe that the M-16 is fully automatic. It has three settings: safe; semi, which fires one round at a time; and burst, which fires in bursts of three. I know this because I was in the U.S. Army and graduated basic rifle marksmanship with one. Educate yourself before making comments like this.

CROSSWORD CORRUPTION: I know there are more important issues, but this Crossword is out of control with foreign words. This is an English language puzzle. I don't speak French or Spanish. I have a good grasp of German, but it shouldn't be necessary to solve the puzzle. I counted no fewer than six foreign words last week. It's no longer enjoyable.

BEWARE OF THIS BIKER: To the people who apparently have no power in their regular lives and decide to try an take some of that back by driving aggressively toward bicyclists, be warned I have had enough. To the asshole that intentionally drove closer to me while I was riding shoulder to scare me or intimidate me, you ran me into a street sign so hard it broke out of the concrete. I'm done. We have just as much right to be out there on the road as you do, and I am here to start educating people on that. Now to go get checked for that concussion... Whoever that was, you are the worst kind of person, and you will get yours.

BAD PARENT ALERT AT DISHMAN HILLS: Was with my Adventure Dog Class ... at Dishman Hills in the Spokane Valley around noon, and we were very shocked when a toddler started running at us totally naked!! She was with several other kids, and they had their clothes on. No parents around! Asked the kids where their parents were, and they said they were in the forest. This happened on the paved trail by the grass area. Minutes later four adults came down the trail, and our dog instructor asked if one of them was the naked child's parent? One, laughing, said yes. Meanwhile there are probably 30 kids and only a few adults in the large play field. I just don't understand how any parent would think that would be OK? That park is known for having a homeless problem, and the child had no shoes on. God knows what she could of stepped in. The park playground grass area had about 30 kids in it, and not many adults supervising. Wondering if this was some day care gone wild or what. It sure gave our little dogs are startle. ♦

Harold Balazs: Leaving Marks @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through June 3
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