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Lunch Duchess, Holy Cows, Ben Jennings

Most drummers are not lead singers. But with Minneapolis-based Lunch Duchess, Katharine Seggerman fills the Phil Collins role to the best of her ability, complete with a Britney Spears-esque cordless microphone headset. Watching this four-piece band on stage is to experience a feminist garage/pop-punk lovefest. As heard on the group’s fresh debut EP, My Mom Says I Have a Rich Inner Life, Lunch Duchess has an impressive ability to wallow in the slow and contemplative. Like on “How You Love,” where Seggerman moves from twisting and turning vocals to all-out howling, the group’s songs range from almost carefree beachy tunes to wonky distorted rides. This is certainly music to savor, and when it’s all over you’ll try to figure out what it was you just heard.

— Laura Johnson

  • Baby Bar

    827 W. First Ave., Spokane Spokane - Downtown


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