This is a past event.

Odesza, Ben Böhmer, Drama, Golden Features

Odesza is coming home to wrap up the last three shows in support of its Grammy-nominated 2022 album, The Last Goodbye. After their meteoric rise I was lucky enough to see the group when they returned to Bellingham in 2018 for an epic alumni show with fellow Western Washington University-formed act Death Cab for Cutie. At that show I was also shamefully reminded that when I was editor-in-chief of Western’s student paper, I ended up cutting a story about the newly formed Odesza because the reporting wasn’t great and “they could just be another dubstep artist that’ll break up soon.” Sorry guys! We clearly missed out. But the world certainly hasn’t. More than a decade later, people continue to connect with Odesza’s swelling orchestral themes and mellow electronic beats, which make an ideal soundtrack for pondering your place in the universe while taking in the group’s dramatic light show paired with the Gorge’s stunning natural backdrop.

Odesza: The Last Goodbye Finale • July 4-6 at 7:30 pm • $81-$264 (per day) • The Gorge Amphitheatre • 754 Silica Road, Quincy •

— Samantha Wohlfeil