This is a past event.

Outer Resistance, Terms & Conditions, Shadow Thoughts

The first week after New Years Day is typically the slowest week of the year, but the fine folks at The Big Dipper are at least offering up this one hard rocking gig to help satiate live music lovers. Spokane’s Outer Resistance has seemingly been in a hibernation since playing a local metal showcase at the Knitting Factory last May, but the band is sure to emerge from the slumber with hard rock tunes that would sound at home on an early-2000s alt-rock radio playlist. Terms & Conditions rock way harder than their uptight name might imply, and Shadow Thoughts will deliver some prog metal shredding to start off the evening. For those with an exercise-based New Year’s resolution, some extreme headbanging at this show should burn a few calories.

Outer Resistance, Terms & Conditions, Shadow Thoughts • Fri, Jan. 3 at 7:30 pm • $15 • All ages • The Big Dipper • 171 S. Washington St. •

— Seth Sommerfeld