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Unto Others, Hoaxed, Cruel Velvet

Apparently, Friday is unofficially Goth Night in Spokane. In addition to NYXX’s goth pop, Portland goth rock band Unto Others swing into town for a gig at The Big Dipper. The group maintains a brooding tone across its new album, Never, Neverland, thanks in large part to frontman Gabriel Franco possessing a deep vocal tone reminiscent of Glenn Danzig. But while the tone remains dark, the styles of rock shift intriguingly throughout the album with dashes of punk, hard rock and prog — calling to mind at different moments groups like the Misfits or the Cure. No matter how you want to embrace the sonic darkness, Friday offers a choose your own adventure with no wrong answers.

Unto Others, Hoaxed, Cruel Velvet • Fri, Nov. 15 at 7:30 pm • $15-$20 • All ages • The Big Dipper • 171 S. Washington St. •

— Seth Sommerfeld