Best Of

Best of the Inland Northwest Reader's Choice - The Arts

Best Movie Theater

AMC River Park Square 20

"It's the biggest theater complex in town, it has the best location, the best seats — most importantly, though, they bring the best films. Indie films. It's silly to suggest there's a better theater in Spokane." — Rex J.

2nd: The Garland; 3rd: Regal NorthTown; North Idaho Best: Regal Riverstone

Best Live Music Venue and Best Dance Club

The Big Easy

"It's been totally different around here since the Big Easy opened. I loved Elvis Costello, and the dance nights add a dose of big city style to Spokane." — Jared V.

Best Live Music Venue 2nd: Fat Tuesday's; 3rd: The Blvd.; North Idaho's Best: Silver Mountain Amphitheater

Best Dance Club 2nd: Trickshot Dixie's; 3rd: Dempsey's; North Idaho's Best: Big Al's

Best Local Band

Coretta Scott

"I love Coretta Scott because they bring the Spokane scene up to a new level of showmanship. They set the standard that other bands follow." — Esther T.

2nd: Kidd Sister; 3rd: Civilized Animal

Best Concert

Kelly Clarkson at the Arena

"She performed 'Behind These Hazel Eyes' and wore a wedding dress — that was really cool. How was it different from her concert with Clay Aiken the year before? She's changed — a little more hip, a little more punk." — Jenna W.

2nd: Toby Keith, the Arena; 3rd: Destiny's Child, the Arena

Best Arts Festival

Art on the Green

"We've been going for years. It's the one weekend on our summer calendar we always circle." — Andrea V.

2nd: ArtFest; 3rd: Pig Out

Best Local Play or Musical of Past Year

The Dazzle, Art

"Michael Weaver's production features a trio of brilliant actors, an informative set and moments of whimsy and sadness. Richard Greenberg's literate script overflows with verbal and philosophical surprises." — Michael B.

2nd: Beauty and the Beast, Coeur d'Alene Summer Theater; 3rd: My Fair Lady, the Civic

Best Touring Play or Musical of Past Year

The Lion King

"We went to see The Lion King with our two children, and it left them so inspired. They saw the movie as kids, but seeing the actors was priceless. It was a wonderful experience." — Casie B.

2nd: Mamma Mia; 3rd: 42nd Street

Best Local Singer/Songwriter

Jim Boyd

"Every show of his that I've gone to has been very entertaining... I'm fascinated by the man. I'm born and raised in Spokane, and to have someone like that in town is amazing." — Candy B.

2nd: Cary Fly; 3rd: Chris Lucas

Mark as Favorite

It Happened Here: Expo '74 Fifty Years Later @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through Jan. 26
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