Readers respond to last week's news that Washington Gov. Jay Inslee was issuing a new lockdown order shuttering indoor dining and restricting retail capacity

Amanda Jones: Now we are all going to be grounded again because no one followed the rules ... again.

Bob Goertz: Maybe if all had taken this pandemic seriously and had worn masks correctly, including over their noses, and followed social distancing, these measures would not have been necessary.

Paco Zee: Having the death states like Iowa, the Dakotas and Idaho close enough, there was nothing we (WA) could really do but try to keep it to a minimum ... and we did a good job. But the spread became too much with too few cooperating, within our state and beyond.

Alisha Reinbolt: Half of us doing all the work, while others blow it off. So frustrating.

Dale Damron: Thanks to everyone who is following the masking and social distancing recommendations, deeply appreciated!

Gene Brake: Many of us have been screaming all summer to please wear your damn masks as your failure to do so would hurt businesses. Now that it's happening again, you want to blame anyone but yourselves. Thank you, Governor, for taking common-sense action to save our citizens.

Keith Holt: Can we split Washington down the Cascades already? I'm over having Olympia tell us what we can and can't do.

Jerry Goertz: Remember to thank Savior Jay Inslee and all the people who voted for him. It was the first shutdown that was supposed to save us, then it was the masks, now this. Next time you go to Target or Walmart think about all the small businesses that have closed for good or going to close this time.

Cody Wiench: This is ridiculous. Limiting site capacity is not going to do anything.

Lisa Barton: Heartbreaking news for the businesses that will be affected, and no matter what restrictions are put in place, the virus is going to run its course in spite of all the restrictions.

Smith Robbie: Same sheep crying about this are the direct descendants of the sheep that caused shirts and shoes to be mandatory in restaurants. ♦

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