Readers react to our story about the dramatic jump people saw on their recent Spokane County property assessments

click to enlarge Readers react to our story about the dramatic jump people saw on their recent Spokane County property assessments
Young Kwak photo
Terry Horne, whose property is prone to flooding, will be appealing the new assessment of her home near Cheney.
HEATHERANN FRANZ WOODS: Saw it coming. But when the assessor's valuation is higher than market value or recent third-party appraisal, there's something wrong in the numbers.

JOE FARRELL: How is it that the entity that benefits from increased tax revenue gets to be in charge of assessing the "value?" It's worth what you pay for it! Taxation is theft.

GLEN MOWBRAY: Stop all of your developer-driven b.s. This county can't manage anything. Plow and maintain what we have and then think about raising taxes 1 cent.

ALEX COX: What the hell is even the point? Better to go full on communist and abolish private property if 90 percent of us will never be homeowners. This isn't the American way.

PAT HALLAND: When the bottom falls out of the housing market and these houses are assessed for more than the market worth, will the tax assessment then be lowered? It is nuts what these homes are selling for and especially many of the older ones that have not been cared for.

LAURELLE WALSH: Funny how it is: When you are selling your home you want it appraised as high as possible; when it comes to tax assessment you want a low value. YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS.

SHERI CHIN: My valuations have gone up more than $150,000 in the past two years. That is insane, and I live on a dirt road.

TERRY PARKER: The result of collusion between GOP county commissioners, realtors and developers. This is how they raise taxes without having to raise taxes.

LINDA ASLESON: I think senior citizens on fixed income need a break on this. ♦

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