How ironic that the businesses most closely associated with Monroe's blight are also the ones most fervently opposed to its renewal ("Drawing Lines In The Asphalt," 4/6/17). Show me a Skippers in the United States, and I'll show you a blighted neighborhood.
Jeff Schmerker
Missoula, Montana
For those that are fed up living in a city that refuses to address what has become an epidemic, contact the city at 625-6083 and insist they fund and staff the neighborhood trash and debris collection program. Presently, this roadside trash collection team is made up of only three individuals to cover the entire city, not including the federal highway corridors. With the constant and inordinate amounts of trash that continue to accumulate along roadways and vacant fields throughout Spokane, it's obvious these workers are grossly understaffed and overwhelmed. However, for those who are proud and happy to live in a city that is continually littered with trash, then...do nothing and simply go about your business.
E. Ross
Colbert, Wash.
Readers react to "Dems in Disarray" (4/13/17), our story about turmoil and a state investigation into the Spokane County Democrats:
Isaac Jack, Jr.: Corruption is no stranger to Spokane, Washington. Can't trust people much anymore no matter which party.
Scott Randolph: About time, Spokane Democrats haven't obviously said what Spokane voters want to hear to swing them in their direction since Tom Foley.
Glen Morgan: I don't understand why they are still screwing up with their filings, even while under investigation by the AG... ♦