On the Street

What are you most looking forward to about spring?

Taylor Baker

Sun. I would like the snow to go away, because I feel like this winter has lasted six months.

Are you an outdoors person?

I am. I hunt, fish and hike. I do a lot of things outside, so I'm ready for spring.

Philip Kyllo

Honestly, the multiple lakes in Spokane. Cliff jumping, boating, lots of jet skiing. And people are just a lot more happier and friendlier during spring.

Are you a winter sports person at all?

I am a skier. I think a lot more people would come here if they knew how inexpensive it was.

Steven Jacobs

Probably spring skiing.

So are you a fan of the snow?

I am. The reason I'm here is because I was just skiing in British Columbia and I'm about to fly back to the East Coast.

Nicole Rach

Just the vitamin D from the sun.

What have you done to cope with how difficult winter has been?

Honestly, winter is super depressing. So, Lorazepam?

Andy Windham

Fishing in Long Lake. I've got a new camper, and I'm going to take it out and fix it up and turn it into a great living vehicle.

Are you a snow person at all?

I like the first two weeks of it, then after that I'm totally done.

Mark as Favorite

It Happened Here: Expo '74 Fifty Years Later @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through Jan. 26
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