by 2004 Candidates
3rd District, No. 1, Washington State House
(Alex Wood, the incumbent Democrat, is running unopposed in the Primary)
James Holschen Jr. (R) -- My name is James Holschen Jr. and I am running for 3rd District State Representative Position 1 as a Republican. I am 26; married to a beautiful wife, Leslie, and we have been blessed with three great children, James III - 3, Megan - 2, and Ethan - 6 months.
I was born in Portland, Ore., on July 18, 1978, and moved with my family to Spokane in 1987. I grew up in the 3rd District three blocks from Chief Garry Park, where my parents still live.
I graduated Faith Baptist Academy in 1996 with an Honors Diploma and I am currently a government major at Eastern Washington University.
I have worked the last 10 years at Arctic Circle Restaurant in downtown Spokane, the last seven years as the general manager. Working in the hospitality industry has given me a perspective on small business needed in the legislature. Our small businesses are burdened down with needless government regulations and taxes. The B & amp;O tax is unfair in that it taxes gross revenue instead of net profit. Our Labor and Industries insurance is overpriced and inefficient. We need to allow private insurance companies to offer worker's comp. Insurance to increase competition. Greater competition always will lead to lower prices and greater efficiency. We need to eliminate the automatic increase in the minimum wage. This hinders business from hiring new employees and from giving current employees the performance based raises that they deserve. Space does not permit me to fully explain why automatic increases are a bad idea, but if anyone has further questions, they are welcome to contact me and I will explain it further.
We need better paying jobs, we need health care reform, but more than either of those we need leadership. Our governments, both state and federal, are filled with politicians who do what it takes to get re-elected. They won't tackle the tough issues or do what they know to be right because it may not be popular. We don't need another politician like that -- we need leaders who will stand up for what they believe in and who will do what is right for the state whether or not those decisions are popular. I am your man. I will do what is right. I will stand for what I believe and not back down to pressure. I will work together with my colleagues to make this state a better place for our children and us even if it means going against my own party. Today we are bombarded with the message that everything is relative, that right and wrong are in how we view things. Nothing could be further from the truth. In order for there to be a stable society there must be an absolute: some things are right, and other things are wrong. I will stand unwavering for the truth, for what is right, and I will let nothing move me. I would appreciate your support and your vote on September 14, 2004. Thank you and God bless.
David Stevens (R) -- I'm Dave Stevens, and I am running for State Representative in the 3rd District. I am 42 years old, married to Pamela and have three children: Ezekiel, Sarah, and Miriam. I have lived in Washington for 20 years. My hobbies are spending time with my kids and power lifting. I am running for the legislature because we need someone with experience fighting for Spokane. I fight for Spokane every day.
I am a deputy prosecuting attorney in Spokane. I prosecute methamphetamine cases. In the courts, I see Spokane's problems every day. Last session, the Legislature increased the amount of automatic early release time that a felon could earn while incarcerated from a third to half. In the same breath, the Legislature decreased the amount of active supervision for most of those released. In my experience, letting criminals out of prison early with less supervision is not part of the solution to an addiction problem. I believe that alternatives like Drug Court that mandate treatment with severe consequences for noncompliance are proven to work. I have seen individuals turn their lives around when given the tools to get off the drugs. We need someone in the legislature with the necessary experience to make sure that they get those tools.
Before becoming a deputy prosecutor, I worked for the Department of Housing and Development from 1991 to 1996. As a federal civil rights investigator, I investigated complaints of discrimination by banks and landlords in Washington, Alaska, Oregon, and Idaho. In working to make sure that families were not denied a home because of race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, or other protected class, I was considered one of the best investigators in the Northwest.
Before working for HUD, I was in the Navy from 1983 to 1989 serving aboard the USS Camden. The Navy taught me the value of discipline, teamwork, and initiative. I know how to get the job done and how to work though hardship. I know the sacrifices that families and individuals have made to provide for and protect their children. Last year, my son joined the Army. I worry about his safety every day. When I asked him whether joining the Army was the best thing for him, he told me that the military will help him pay for his education and was what he needed to do. Watching him graduate from boot camp was one of the proudest moments in my life.
My main concerns and expertise are in criminal law. As someone that has always fought for fairness and justice, I have the experience and training to advocate for the real changes that will help our community.
6th District Washington State Senate
(Laurie Dolan, a Democrat, is running for this seat unopposed in the primary)
Brad Benson (R) -- I'm Brad Benson and I would appreciate your vote in the special election for 6th District State Senate. I'm running because Spokane needs solid representation in Olympia. During my eight years as a member of the state house, I've built a reputation as a legislator who puts the interests of my district ahead of my own and deals honestly with both allies and adversaries.
My life experience contributes to my effectiveness as a legislator. My background as an Air Force and Air National Guard officer as well as my experience as a small-business owner and bank officer have given me personal knowledge about many of the issues we work on in Olympia. My volunteer activity with organizations such as Hoopfest, INTEC, Habitat for Humanity, Consumer Credit Counseling, United Way, and Junior Achievement, as well as the thousands of people I've met while canvassing the district, have given me a good understanding of the issues and opportunities facing our community. I'm also a husband of 20 years, a father of four and a grandfather.
My goal has always been to make Spokane a better place to live, work, and raise our families. Primarily, Spokane needs jobs and opportunity for the thousands of honest, hard-working citizens who are struggling to make ends meet. Creating jobs will mean better pay and benefits. Making sure our public education system focuses on meeting each child's needs and ensuring access to community college and four-year university programs will give everyone an opportunity for a brighter future.
If elected, I will keep pushing for accountability for our tax dollars. I'll work to bring jobs to Spokane. I will support affordable and available health care for Washington's consumers and businesses, and continue to support our doctors, hospitals, and the long-term care needs of our seniors. I'll keep working to bring higher-education programs to Spokane. And I will support public safety by ensuring adequate police and fire protection.
Most of all, I promise to remain worthy of the trust that 6th District voters have placed in me. I would be honored if you would give me your vote in the primary election for the State Senate.
Brian Murray (R) -- It is an honor to serve the citizens of the 6th District as your Senator. I believe I have been doing a good job with some great results. When Senator - now Mayor - West stepped down from the Senate, I was chosen by the County Commissioners and Republican party officers to fill his seat. As a Republican state committeeman, I had experience with the party and working on legislative staff, I had learned about the operation of the Senate.
I am proud of the support I received from the elected officials and citizen activists. But I'm most proud of the things we've been able to accomplish for the 6th District this year: winning funding for the WSU Riverpoint campus, holding the line on taxes and bringing increased dollars to our local schools.
Some people argue we shouldn't support our public schools, but I disagree. Our schools are our hope for the future. My wife Heather and I both know that our schools are our hope for the future.
I grew up in Spokane, graduated from Gonzaga University and worked in my family's business, Murray Chemical Supply, before entering public service. My time on the Spokane County Conservation District was valuable in learning about the importance that the aquifer and our river plays in our economy and our environment.
In the short 60-day session this year, I introduced legislation to help military families and reservists called up to active duty. It was passed into law and signed by the governor. There may be no other district in the state that has as many active military, veterans and reservists as our 6th District. They deserve all the support we can give them.
The way to get things done in the Senate is in the leadership. This refers to the handful of legislators who are chosen by their colleagues to schedule debate on the bills, round up votes, and set priorities for the session. By being elected to Leadership, I was able to make sure that Spokane's concerns were not forgotten behind closed doors.
For the Republican majority, this was the year to help businesses create jobs. Our regulatory climate has been so restrictive that employers are locating in Idaho or other states instead of in Washington. We worked together with the state House and the governor to get passage of legislation to reduce business taxes to encourage employers to create new jobs.
Senator Brian Murray has been endorsed by the following groups: Spokane Police Guild; Associated General Contractors; Gun Owners Action League; Timber Products Manufacturers; Wash. School Principals Assoc.; Wash. State Medical Assoc.; Wash. State Chiropractic Assoc.; Wash. State Patrol Troopers Assoc.; Wash. State Podiatric Medical Assoc.; Wash. Optometric Assoc.; Sheriff Mark Sterk; Mayor Jim West; County Commissioner Kate McCaslin; Senator Bob Morton; Senator Jerry Saling (Ret.); Senate Republican Leadership; Build East; Build West.
The primary election is on Tuesday, Sept. 14. This year, you will have to pick a ballot to match your party.
Publication date: 09/09/04