Jim Reincke: If I had the connections, I would try and connect author Tom Bross with a production company to shoot his true life adventures in Don't Call Me Jupiter!
Chris Warren: How about The Otto Zehm Story?
Amanda Howard Phillips: The guys that streaked naked through a Shari's only to run outside and realize their car had been stolen.
Neal Schindler: It's already been done: The Rachel Divide.
Rob Peterson: Why is there no Jimmy Durkin story? That would sell for sure.
David Anderson Turner V: A conspiracy movie regarding big trucks that don't fit under the downtown train bridges and hit them instead.
Kat Panza: Either a Bloomsday or a Hoopfest story.
Tim Cident: The drama leading up to GU telling Stockton his tickets are suspended.
Steve St. George: When Col. George Wright met Qualchan.
Eric Reis: The story of how Richard Butler and the neo-Nazis and their vile behavior were destroyed by better people in North Idaho.
Terry Parker: The Jimmy Marks Story. ♦