(7-year-old cat Mr. Waffles)
He's a very skilled carnivore. He kills huge squirrels and he's not that big, he's probably like an 8- or 9-pound cat.
(Belated poodle mix Louie)
Louie was very naughty and would escape the house all the time. Lawyers would call me and be like "he's in our law office again." Somehow he'd get in through two levels of locked doors. He got into the dentist's office.
(Belated cat KitKat)
One of her favorite activities to do was ride in the car with us. She'd jump up like a dog and wag her little cat tail and get up on the window and look around. We'd go through drive-thrus and people would be surprised since they always see dogs.
(House rabbit Milo)
Sometimes they get into an energetic mood, and they'll sprint around and like run up and bite my feet playfully and run away.
Did you ever have anything get eaten by the rabbit that made you go, "Dang it!"?
Oh yeah. One night I wasn't home and he'd chewed through a charging cord.
(unnamed feral cats)
We just keep getting more feral cats. I go to the grocery store and I buy food, and people always say, "How many cats do you have?" or "What's your cat's name?" and I say, "None" and they look at me like I'm crazy.