by Inlander Staff & r & & r & Scholars of a Different Color & r & Without mentioning that this'll be the last hip-hop show at a certain venue very near and dear to our hearts, we'd like to trumpet the return of the Blue Scholars on the crew's own merits. The Stranger's rap critic, Charles Mudede, calls them "one of the only local rap groups who don't separate their politics (content) with their music (form)." That is, they're dope, and they don't pull punches. Nor do we: See them for $5 (B-Side, Sat.) before you have to drop $50.

Now With Half Stars & r & You asked for it, you got it: half-star CD reviews! We've heard your cries for fewer four-star reviews and admit that, especially lately, there have been albums that don't even deserve the one star we've awarded. So, not only are we announcing the possibility of half-star reviews, we've got two this week. Gaze ye upon it, and grasp critical nuance!

Scandalous! & r & Not that we're down with Intel's near-hegemony over the processor market, but those new iMacs are going to fly. We couldn't help noticing, though, that the Apple commercials promoting them looked strikingly, nay, identically like the video for the Postal Service's "Such Great Heights." Naw, we said, can't be, Gibbard would be all over that ... then this, from "Apple Computers' new television commercial ... features a shot-for-shot recreation of our video ... We did not approve this commercialization and are extremely disappointed with both parties ... -Ben Gibbard." Scathing.

Requiem for a Club & r & E-mail & lt;a href="mailto:[email protected]" & Luke & lt;/a & with your (fond and un-fond) remembrances of the B-Side. We'll post them online to coincide with both the B-Side's closing and our Nightlife issue. Then check next week's Last Word for Ben Cater's ruminations on the state of club owning in Spokane.

21st Annual Spokane River Clean-up @ High Bridge Park

Sat., Sept. 14, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
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