by Inlander Staff & r & & r & The Rest of Youth & r & Fall of Snow's album, okay., comes in a sleeve made out of brown sweatpants -- and like those sweatpant shards. okay., is incredibly soft, layering snare and several types of string over singer Stephanie's hushed, contemplative vocals. But then, at the back end of songs like "Release Me," there's a relative crescendo, sending Steph into a bit of a fit and making the whole program sound more than a little like Joy Division gone au naturale. It's the kind of thing you'd sit down and drink a cup of caf & eacute; au lait to whilst you contemplate your waning youth. Which you can do, conveniently, when they play Rock Coffee on Saturday.

Duly Noted & r & The Noted play a CD release show at Empyrean on Saturday along with Dave Hannon, Logan Heftel, Allen Stone. Yes, we went with the easy pun. It's late, we're tired.

Like Little Lord Fauntleroy ... & r & ... only far more perverse, Little Fyodor is a dude in his, looks like, late 30s who dresses as ridiculously as he can and sings songs with such titles as "I Wanna Be The Buddha," "I Want An Ugly Girl" and "You Give Me Hard On." His discography includes a Christmas-only release with the song "Oh Horny Night." He describes himself as a fountainhead of "avant-pop madness," but seems like homeboy just needs to get laid. He plays the Spread on our nation's birthday. God Save the Queen.

The Heroes Return & r & We'll be damned if we didn't think we'd scared them off, but Norfolk & amp; Western are on the back end of their national tour and have decided to, once again, play a date at the Shop. They began their tour here in April, and the Shop folk are tickled that they decided to end it here as well -- on Wednesday, the day after our nation's birth.
Mark as Favorite

The Evolution of the Japanese Sword @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through May 4
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