by INLANDER STAFF & r & & r & Check what's happening at local nightspots for the next week.
Thursday, 1/17
Artisan Room, DJ Parafyn
Big Easy, DJ Graffix
Bluz at the Bend, Ten Second Tom
Brooklyn Nights, Groove Patrol
Caterina, Open Mic w/ Jacob Butcher
Club Max (922-1922), DJ Sjoucase
Connie's Lounge (208-255-2227), Ray Wood
Coeur d'Alene Resort (208-765-4000), Satellite
ella's, Chuck Dunlap
Empyrean, Jet Black Horror, Return From Exile, Skies Burn Black, Dead Reckoning
Far West, Dave Hannon
Fizzie Mulligan's, Exit 7
Mizuna, Abe Kenney
Moon Time, Equaleyes
O'Shay's, Open Mic w/ Harvey Stanley
Prago, Guitar Hero
Schweitzer Lounge (208-263-9555), Open Mic
Steam Plant (777-3900), Melody Moore
Wine Cellar, Dog House Boyz
Working Class Heroes, Open Jam w/ Maxie Mills
Friday, 1/18
Annie Fannie's, DJ Doughboy
Artisan Room, DJ Parafyn
Big Easy, Honky Tonk Dance Party
Big Foot, Steve Starkey
Bluz at the Bend, Big Mumbo
Bottom's Up (892-1778), DJ LG
Brooklyn Nights, Hot Club of Spokane
Caterina, Allen Stone, Thomas Bechard, Kori Henderson
Chillers (208-667-1896), Nighthawk
Coeur d'Alene Brew Pub (208-664-BREW), Dean Smith
Coeur d'Alene Casino, Four on the Floor
Coeur d'Alene Eagles (208-664-2218), Simon Sez
Coeur d'Alene Resort (208-765-4000), Satellite
Club Max (922-1922), Nu Jack City
Connie's Lounge (208-255-2227), Ray Wood
Cricket's (208-765-1990), Eric E
Curley's, Blue Fire Down
Di Luna's, Barry Aiken & amp; Northpoint
Eagles Club (489-3030), The Mavericks
ella's, Don Goodwin
Empyrean, Zac Fairbanks & amp; the Booze Fighters, James Pants, Acorn Project
Fizzie Mulligan's, Somebody's Hero
The Flame, DJ Mayhem
The Grail, Open Jam
Hangar 57 (448-5707), The Perones
Iron Horse, Sugarbone, DJ Juice
Irv's (624-4450), DJ Real
Isabella's, Robert Dunn & amp; the North Country
Jimmy'z, DJ J
John's Alley, Equal Eyes
Library Lounge (747-3371), Don Larson
Madeleine's (624-2253), Just Plain Darin
Mirabeau Max (924-9000), Mike Ross
O'Shay's, John Sylte
Panida, The Alley Cats
Peacock Room, Chris Rieser
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Bon Taj
Prago, DJ JAH & amp; Real Life Sound
Raw, Son Dulce
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), DJ Graft, Devastate, Wombaticus Rex
Service Station, Oxaus, Hijacked Royalty, Reflection
The Slab Inn, Julianne & amp; the Jukebox Junkies
Stage Right (208-265-8116), Heather McElwain
The Star, After the Fall
Thumpers, Mr. Happy
Valley Eagles (599-7668), Caf & eacute; Blue
The Viking, The Martini Brothers
White Horse, The Successful Hobos
The Wine Cellar, Laffin Bones
Working Class Heroes, Maxie Mills
Zombie Room, Sonic Death Ray, Big Dirty Guns
Saturday, 1/19
Annie Fannie's (534-1212), DJ Doughboy
Artisan Room (838-6308), DJ Parafyn
Auntie's (838-0206), Cheryl Branz
Big Easy, Plastic Saints CD Release Party w/ Mistress & amp; the Misters, La Cha Cha, Brandon Humphreys, DJ Mayhem, Return to Nothing
Big Foot, Steve Starkey
Bluz at the Bend, Big Mumbo
The Blvd., Age of Nephilim, Zingaia, Moments of Psylence
Bottom's Up (892-1778), DJ LG
Caterina, Zac Fairbanks & amp; the Booze Fighters, Lions & amp; Eagles, Daydream Jared
Chillers (208-667-1896), Nighthawk
Club Max (922-1922), Nu Jack City
Coeur d'Alene Casino, Four on the Floor
Coeur d'Alene Resort (208-765-4000), Satellite
Connie's Lounge (208-255-2227), Comfort Zone
Cricket's (208-765-1990), Steve
Cruisers (208-773-4706), Blue Print
Curley's, Blue Fire Down
Downtown Crossing (208-265-5080), Equaleyes
Eagles Club (489-3030), The Mavericks
ella's, Don Millard
Empyrean, Hail the Gunfire, The Showgun, Burn the Attic, Silent Atrophied, Natural Jazzaster
Europa, Ron Criscione
Fizzie Mulligan's, Somebody's Hero
The Flame, Mezmorized Muzic
The Grail, Flying in a Tin Can, Botched, Aftermash
Habitat Store (535-9517), Lonesome Lyle Morse, Max Daniels
Hangar 57 (448-5707), The Perones
Hayden Eagles Lodge (208-772-4901), Simon Sez
Holy Trinity (928-7733), Chanson Du Soir
Huckleberry's, Robbie Parker
Iron Horse, Sugarbone, DJ Juice
Irv's (624-4450), DJ Real
Isabella's, Save Lefty
Jimmy'z, DJ J
John's Alley, Simon Tucker Band
Library Lounge (747-3371), Don Larson
Mirabeau Max (924-9000), Mike Ross
Mojo Coyote Caf & eacute; (208-263-9555), Ray Allen
O'Shay's, Steve Schlough
Peacock Room, Chris Rieser
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Josh Hedlund
Prago, DJ Orange
Raw, DJ Big Mike
Sand Creek Grill (208-255-5736), Bruce Bishop
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Frank Moore, Acorn Project, Shook Twins
Service Station, RAWK Final Four Round 2: Gates of Graceland, Below Thee Above, Guilty Conscience, Sound Curfew, Manbox
The Slab Inn, Julianne & amp; the Jukebox Junkies
Stage Right (208-265-8116), Kurt Kondratko
The Star, After the Fall
Thumpers, Mr. Happy
Trick Shots, DJ Freaky Fred
The Wine Cellar, Laffin Bones
Zombie Room, hip hop body rock electroshock no stop show
Sunday, 1/20
Bluz at the Bend, Cary Fly
Club Max (922-1922), Open Jam
Di Luna's, A Touch of Jazz
Europa, Sidhe
Mootsy's, Belt of Vapor, Listener Project, Gun of the Sun, Cyrus Fell Down
Northern Quest, Neil Sedaka
Raw, DJ Big Mike
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), The Shook Twins, Equaleyes
The Swamp, Annie O'Neill
Monday, 1/21
Blue Spark, Open Mic
Coeur d'Alene Resort (208-765-4000), DJ Brentano
Eichardts, Blues Jam w/ Truck Mills
Empyrean, Aaron Roche
Europa, Jonathan Nicholson
Irv's (624-4450), DJ Real
John's Alley, Souleye/BLVD
Prago, Listener Project, Isaac Walton, DJ Orange
Tuesday, 1/22
Artisan Room (838-6308), Steven King
Coeur d'Alene Resort (208-765-4000), DJ Montoya
Connie's Lounge (208-255-2227), Frank Moore & amp; Son
John's Alley, Souleye/BLVD
Mootsy's, Rutah, Warcopes, Sabu, Tankr
O'Doherty's, Irish Jam
Prago, Hillstomp
Raw, DJ Big Mike
Wine Cellar, All That Jazz
Wednesday, 1/23
Artisan Room (838-6308), 6' Swing
Big Easy, The Bravery
Bluz at the Bend, Sammy Eubanks
Coeur d'Alene Resort (208-765-4000), DJ Brentano
Cricket's (208-765-1990), Open Jam
Downtown Crossing (208-265-5080), Open Mic
Eagles Club (489-3030), Mavericks
Eichardt's, Charlie Packard Band
Irv's (624-4450), DJ Real
Latah Bistro (838-8338), Kalliope
O'Shay's, Robbie French
Raw, DJ Big Mike
Wine Cellar, Don Millard
Club Max (922-1922), Area 51 on Jan. 24
Far West, Nick Schauer & amp; Dave Fague on Jan. 24
O'Shay's, Open Mic w/ Harvey Stanley on Jan. 24
Steam Plant (777-3900), Steve Schlough on Jan. 24
Whitworth Hub, Monarch on Jan. 24
Wine Cellar, Riverboat Dave on Jan. 24
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Open Mic on Jan. 24
2nd Look Books, Mordekye Layman on Jan. 25
Caterina, Buffalo Jones, Michael Carpenter, Nick Yost on Jan. 25
Chillers (208-667-1896), Nighthawk on Jan. 25
Club Max (922-1922), Area 51 on Jan. 25
Coeur d'Alene Brew Pub (208-664-BREW), Million $ Hillbilly Band on Jan. 25
Curley's, Bad Monkey on Jan. 25
Empyrean, The Sammus Theory on Jan. 25
Eagles Club (489-3030), Stage Riders on Jan. 25
John's Alley, Clumsy Lovers on Jan. 25
Madeleine's (624-2253), Dirk Swartz on Jan. 25
Mirabeau Max (924-9000), Mike Ross on Jan. 25
O'Shay's, John Sylte & amp; Friends on Jan. 25
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Karli Fairbanks & amp; Joel Smith on Jan. 25
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), DJ Yochanan on Jan. 25
Thumpers, 50 Cent Suit on Jan. 25
The Wine Cellar, Bones Bolan & amp; Nelson on Jan. 25
Chillers (208-667-1896), Nighthawk on Jan. 26
Club Max (922-1922), Area 51 on Jan. 26
Curley's, Bad Monkey on Jan. 26
Di Luna's, Eric Bibb on Jan. 26
Eagles Club (489-3030), Stage Riders on Jan. 26
Empyrean, Iceage Cobra, the Mickie Slippers on Jan. 26
Huckleberry's, Karli Fairbanks on Jan. 26
John's Alley, Clumsy Lovers on Jan. 26
Mirabeau Max (924-9000), Mike Ross on Jan. 26
O'Shay's, Harvey Stanley on Jan. 26
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Kristi Nelson on Jan. 26
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Steve Neff, Mistress & amp; The Misters on Jan. 26
Thumpers, 50 Cent Suit on Jan. 26
The Wine Cellar, Bones, Bolan & amp; Nelson on Jan. 26
Zombie Room, Moment of Psylence on Jan. 26
The Arena, Blue Man Group on Jan. 27
Big Easy, Job for a Cowboy on Jan. 27
John's Alley, Lil Dave Thompson on Jan. 27
The Wine Cellar, Howard Powers, Smooth Jazz on Jan. 29
Artisan Room (838-6308), 6' Swing on Jan. 30
John's Alley, Open Mic on Jan. 30
Latah Bistro (838-8338), Jonathan Nicholson on Jan. 30
O'Shay's, Robby French on Jan. 30
Raw, Ale Kenney on Jan. 30
The Wine Cellar, Bill Rector on Jan. 30
Club Max (922-1922), Area 51 on Jan. 31
O'Shay's, Open Mic w/ Harvey Stanley on Jan. 31
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Open Mic, on Jan. 31
Steam Plant (777-3900), Melody Moore on Jan. 31
The Wine Cellar, Pat Coast on Jan. 31
Big Easy, Neurosonic on Feb. 1
Club Max (922-1922), Area 51 on Feb. 1
Curley's, Bad Monkey on Feb. 1
Pend D'Oreille Winery, The Shook Twins CD release on Feb. 1
O'Shay's, John Sylte & amp; Friends on Feb. 1
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), DJ CK on Feb. 1
Club Max (922-1922), Area 51 on Feb. 2
Curley's, Bad Monkey on Feb. 2
Huckleberry's, Lyle Morse on Feb. 2
Oshay's, Keith J. Milligan on Feb. 2
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Frank Moore on Feb. 2
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Chris O'Murchu on Feb. 2
Service Station, RAWK Final Four Round 3, Electric Warriors, Hail The Gunfire, Billy Versus, Starflight Ambush, Iron Fanboy on Feb. 2
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Scott Reid. Big Red Barn on Feb. 2
The Big Easy, Tesla, Cinder Road on Feb. 5
Artisan Room (838-6308), 6' Swing on Feb. 6
Empyrean, Lyle Morse, Stan Hall on Feb. 6
Latah Bistro (838-8338), Kalliope on Feb. 6
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Open Mic on Feb. 7
2nd Look Books, Kaylee Cole on Feb. 8
Curley's, Somebody's Hero on Feb. 8
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Brian Hibbard, Marimba on Feb. 8
Slabb Inn, Sammy Eubanks on Feb. 8
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), DJ Chris Harban on Feb. 8
The Blvd., Impending Doom, Carnifex, With Blood Comes Cleansing, Skies Burned Black, Madea on Feb. 9
Curley's, Somebody's Hero on Feb. 9
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Brian Hibbard, Marimba on Feb. 9
Service Station, RAWK Final Four Round 4, Rexdismantled, Some Will Fall, Shadoya Jones, The Nightfly, A Pyrrhic Victory on Feb. 9
Slabb Inn, Sammy Eubanks on Feb. 9
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Steve Neff on Feb. 9
Connie's Lounge(208-255-2227), Black Ice on Feb. 14
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Bridges Home on Feb. 14
Timberview Christan Fellowship (468-4363), 6' Swing on Feb. 14
Artisan Room (838-6308), 6' Swing on Feb. 13
Latah Bistro (838-8338), Schauer w/ Friends on Feb. 13
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Open Mic on Feb. 14
Curley's, Somebody's Hero on Feb. 15
Coeur d'Alene Casino, PJ Destiny on Feb. 15
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Emily Baker on Feb. 15
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), DJ Graft on Feb. 15
Coeur d'Alene Casino, PJ Destiny on Feb. 16
Curley's, Somebody's Hero on Feb. 16
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Folk Remedy on Feb. 16
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Double G on Feb. 16
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Ray Allen on Feb. 16
Taps (208-263-9555), Frank Moore, Tennis on Feb. 16
The Blvd., US Bombs, Far From Finished, Scatterbox, The Sissies
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Laura Convery, Double G on Feb. 17
Big Easy, hed P.E., Kingspade on Feb. 17
Big Easy, Chimaira, All That Remains, Five Finger Death Punch on Feb. 18
Big Easy, Exodus on Feb. 21
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Open Mic on Feb. 21
Artisan Room (838-6308), 6' Swing on Feb. 20
Coeur d'Alene Casino, PJ Destiny on Feb. 22
Curley's, Blue Fire Down on Feb. 22
Empyrean, Poolside at the Flamingo, Skies Burned Black, Gates of Graceland on Feb. 22
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Josh Hedlund on Feb. 22
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), DJ Yochanan on Feb. 22
Coeur d'Alene Casino, PJ Destiny on Feb. 23
Curley's, Blue Fire Down on Feb. 23
Oshay's, Keith J. Milligan on Feb. 23
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Laddie Ray Melvin on Feb. 23
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Steve Neff, Delta Nove on Feb. 23
Big Easy, Lifehouse, Matt Nathanson, Honey Honey on Feb. 24
Artisan Room (838-6308), 6' Swing on Feb. 27
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Open Mic on Feb. 28
Big Easy, Queensryche on Feb. 29
Curley's, Blue Fire Down on Feb. 29
INB Performing Arts Center, Brian Regan on Feb. 29
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Bon Taj on Feb. 29
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Outrageous Air Show on Feb. 29
The Viking, 6' Swing on Feb. 29
Curley's, Blue Fire Down on Mar. 1
The Ticket (328-4898), 6' Swing on Mar. 1
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Brother Music on Mar. 1
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Outrageous Air Show on Mar. 1
The Blvd. ASG, Fu Manchu, Saviours on Mar. 2
Artisan Room (838-6308), 6' Swing on Mar. 5
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Open Mic on Mar. 6
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), DJ CK on Mar. 6
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Chris O'Murchu on Mar. 7
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Kaylee Cole on Mar. 8
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Frank Moore, Steve Neff, Ockham's Razor on Mar. 8
The Bing, Ladysmith Black Mambazo on Mar. 11
Artisan Room (838-6308), 6' Swing on Mar. 12
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Talladega Nights on Mar. 12
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Open Mic on Mar. 13
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Mike & amp; Shanna Thompson on Mar. 14
Red Lion (326-8000), 6' Swing on Mar. 14
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), DJ Graft on Mar. 14
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Monarch Mountain Band on Mar. 15
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Laura Convery, K23 Orchestra on Mar. 15
Big Easy, Ace Frehley on Mar. 18
Artisan Room (838-6308), 6' Swing on Mar. 19
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Open Mic on Mar. 20
Peacock Room, 6' Swing on Mar. 21
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Two of Us Plus One on Mar. 21
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), DJ Chris Harban on Mar. 21
Peacock Room, 6' Swing on Mar. 22
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Steve Neff, Double G, Sweatshop Union on Mar. 22
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Frank Moore on Mar. 23
Artisan Room (838-6308), 6' Swing on Mar. 26
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Open Mic on Mar. 27
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Bridges Home on Mar. 28
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), DJ Yochanan on Mar. 28
The Viking, 6' Swing on Mar. 28
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Michael Duncan on Mar. 29
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Double G, Sol Jjibe on Mar. 29
Big Easy, Tech N9ne, E-40 on Apr. 1
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Open Mic on Apr. 3
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), DJ Chris Harban on Apr. 4
Pend D'Oreille Winery, Dayan Kai on Apr. 5
Schweitzer (208-263-9555), Adrian Xavier on Apr. 5
Coeur d'Alene Casino, PJ Destiny on Apr. 11
Beasley Coliseum, Elton John on Apr. 12
Coeur d'Alene Casino, PJ Destiny on Apr. 12
Coeur d'Alene Casino, PJ Destiny on Apr. 18
Coeur d'Alene Casino, PJ Destiny on Apr. 19Service Station, Ani DeFranco on Apr. 19
Spokane Arena, Def Leppard, Styx, REO Speedwagon on Apr. 23
The Viking, 6' Swing on Apr. 25
The Bing, David Keberle & amp; Spokane Jazz Orchestra on May 8.
The Bing, David Keberle & amp; Spokane Jazz Orchestra on May 9.
The Arena, Avril Lavigne on May 9.
Centerstage, 6' Swing on May 10
Coeur d'Alene Casino, PJ Destiny on May 30
Coeur d'Alene Casino, PJ Destiny on May 31
Coeur d'Alene Casino, PJ Destiny on June 6
Coeur d'Alene Casino, PJ Destiny on June 7
Coeur d'Alene Casino, PJ Destiny on Aug. 8
Coeur d'Alene Casino, PJ Destiny on Aug. 9
Coeur d'Alene Casino, PJ Destiny on Aug. 15
Coeur d'Alene Casino, PJ Destiny on Aug. 16