Let Me In
Sifting through the “Watch Instantly” catalog on Netflix is tedious. It’s also highly concerning when Netflix seems 4.5 stars certain that you’d just adore a movie called Shrooms and also any film starring Hillary Duff. It’s time: Look at your life. Look at your choices. Thankfully, Netflix just got a bit of awesome with new arrival Let Me In, the American remake of the brilliant Swedish vampire film Let the Right One In. It manages to elude the “remake epidemic” that has been plaguing Hollywood and succeeds in being totally rad. Let’s get your star ratings back on track, shall we?
Inside Scientology: The Story of America’s Most Secretive Religion
Despite its growing popularity, Scientology still seems to fall into the “WTF” realm of popular thought — WTF is Scientology really about? WTF is going on with these people? WTF is a Xenu and why is it such a jerk? After her 2006 Rolling Stone article on the subject, writer Janet Reitman wanted to expand on her findings, and thus was born her book, INSIDE SCIENTOLOGY: THE STORY OF AMERICA’S MOST SECRETIVE RELIGION. Reitman examines the rumors of abuse and provides a look at creator L. Ron Hubbard’s life, putting together the ultimate Scientology-WTF solution.
What do people who catcall hope to accomplish with their behavior? Has anyone ever met their soulmate via catcall? Anyway, it’s annoying. Sometimes, it can be downright scary. That’s why a group of fed-up friends in New York City got together and organized IHOLLABACK.ORG, a website where women and members of the LGBTQ community can post their catcall stories by city (yep, Spokane’s got one) in order to speak out against street harassment and receive support from others. Their bottom line: Walking down the street should not be threatening. n