by Inlander Staff

From Wieners to Winners -- Just when we think we've safely put our Best of the Inland Northwest issue to bed for another year (with a loaded pistol and a lead blanket... ha! Kidding!) the phone calls start coming. It turns out that somewhere in all those 11-hour days, frenzied writing sessions and hastily transcribed interviews, we make a mistake or two. Dang. Well, here's our chance to apologize where apologies are due. First, we mistakenly stated that the hot dog vendor on page 38 was Mike Brasch. While Mike Brasch is a hot dog vendor and the source for our story, the picture was of one Chad Rattray, a fellow soldier in the trenches of the downtown Hot Dog Scene. Next, we forgot to mention Victoria Frederick in our write-up of KKZX. What were we thinking??? Victoria is a 12-year veteran of the station and helms the mighty 10-to-3 shift, where she is beloved far and wide for her daily 20-song Spokane Music Marathons. Last but certainly not least, we not only forgot to mention which category our friends at Boo Radley's won for (it was Best Gifts), we gave them an award printed out for "Roo Radley's." Even Scooby Doo ought to know better!

Rock the Vote -- We've also been getting lots of phone calls and comments from businesses that didn't place in their respective categories. "How come you didn't pick us?" you ask. First of all, we (that's the Inlander staff) don't pick the winners. We tally the votes. So it's our readers who do the real pickin'. Second, we can't change the votes. So even if your furniture store sells more than anyone else in town, and even if you think the other guy's sandwich sucks, there's nothing we can do about it. The good news is that the power's in your hands -- now's the time to start getting the word out to all your customers to vote next year!

Iraqi Road? -- Star Spangled Ice Cream promises "a conservative alternative to Ben & amp; Jerry's." We thought it was a joke -- after all, it's hard not to giggle at flavors like "I Hate the French! Vanilla" and "Smaller GovernMint" -- but apparently these guys are for real. Designed for premium ice cream connoisseurs who don't like seeing their money "funneled into wacko left-wing causes," offers four quarts of this stuff for the patriotic price of $76 (it comes in dry ice, 2nd day air). And even though your Buzz Bin is hosted by a bunch of pinko commie liberals, we had to admit we were amused by proposed flavors like Donald Rum Raisin, Cowardly German Chocolate and (our favorite) Gun Nut.

Publication date: 04/03/03

Mark as Favorite

The Evolution of the Japanese Sword @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through May 4
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