Everything's Big in Texas

Including the Texans' bellies. Seems a guy at the Texas State Fair wanted to come up with a new taste treat. So he blended Coca-Cola syrup and strawberry syrup into a batter, deep-fried himself some little dough balls, put 'em in a cup and slathered his product with cinnamon sugar, whipped cream and yet more Coke syrup. Called it "Fried Coke." Charged $4.50 a pop. Sold 35,000 of the healthy little delicacies to his fellow Texans. Something's missing in their lives, you see, so they feel entitled.

Walking the Walk

Jill Gaffney of Deer Park will raise more than $2,200 for cancer research by traveling to San Diego and walking 60 miles over three days in the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk on Nov. 10-12. To donate, visit www.the3day.org/SanDiego06/jilldgbear or call 710-5855.

Make Love, Not War

English professor Paul Brians will discuss "The Art of the Counterculture" on Thursday, Nov. 2, at 7 pm in the WSU Fine Arts Center auditorium. Brians' "profusely illustrated" presentation will center on the WSU student movements of 1968-72. Visit www.wsu.edu/artmuse or call (509) 335-1910.

Opposing Fear

Whitworth's Linda Lawrence Hunt is known for her advocacy of the Krista Foundation (supporting young adults volunteering in developing nations and America's inner cities) and for her book Bold Spirit (of Helga Estby's 1896 walk across America) -- assigned reading for all English 101 classes at SCC this quarter. Hunt's lecture there next week -- "Hemispheres of Hope: Bold-Spirited Living in a Post-9/11 World" -- will focus on overcoming all the fear-mongering we've encountered in the last five years. It's Wednesday, Nov. 8, at 7 pm at SCC's Lair auditorium, Bldg. 6, 1810 N. Greene St. Visit sites.scc.spokane.edu/speakers or call 533-8314.

Zags Jumping Through Hoops

In the first two rounds of the Preseason National Invitational Tournament, if the Zags can defeat Rice and then the winner of the Baylor-Colorado State game, they're likely to face North Carolina in the Big Apple at Madison Square Garden. But first come the games at the Spokane Arena on Nov. 14 at 6 pm and 9 pm, and on Nov. 15 at 4:30 pm and 7:30 pm. Call 325-SEAT.

Boils Are Next

Weather gods threw the full arsenal of autumn at us Sunday in North Idaho -- a cloudburst, several rainbows and brilliant blue skies, all in about 20 minutes. Thick clouds of dust dropped visibility to nighttime-in-the-fog levels near Lapwai, and gusty winds sent tumbleweeds careening headlong into traffic north of Moscow. Snow mixed in as temps tumbled, but the spirits rested with a brilliant sunset.

Mark as Favorite

It Happened Here: Expo '74 Fifty Years Later @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through Jan. 26
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