by MICHAEL BOWEN & r & & r & Worm Poop & r & & r & In a plastic Coke bottle. No, really. They're selling it at Fred Meyer. Fertilizer, plant food -- it's all certified organic. TerraCycle feeds paper and compost to millions of the little red wigglers, which are really prolific at, um, producing organic waste. (They eat and poop their body weight every day. You try doing that.) Visit

Event Ticker Tape

There's so much going on in our cultural Mecca this week, we have to turn Buzz into potpourri. Mirabeau Chapel (on Pines Road, a half-mile north of I-90) will be the venue on Friday and Saturday for 20 artists and craftspeople to display their wares. Music and food, too, at this second annual event ( or 922-0698) ... Christopher Howell, a poet at EWU, will read at Whitworth's Weyerhaeuser Hall on Friday at 7:30 pm (777-3253) ... On Saturday from 9 am-2 pm at the Fairgrounds, local Kiwanis clubs will offer booths and games and a chance for a thousand kids to acquire their very own self-painted bicycle helmet (462-6176 or 535-9771) ... On Saturday from 10 am-4 pm, next door to Merlyn's, sell 'n' swap your outdoor gear (kayaks, skis, pitons), then hang around for the paddling films ($8) at the Magic Lantern at 7:30 pm. ( or 835-5211) ... Saturday is Antiques Appraisal Day at the MAC. For just $10, from 9:30 am-4:30 pm, get your paintings, books, ceramics and jewelry evaluated by experts ( or 456-3931) ... At the Convention Center on Saturday at 7 pm, the Lilac City Roller Girls will greet the roller derby women of Bend and then politely rearrange their orthodontia (check out LCRG's MySpace page) ... A one-woman play about life in South Africa, The Syringa Tree, will be performed on Tuesday at 7 pm in Whitworth's Cowles Auditorium. Actress Gin Hammond will portray 24 different characters (777-4263) ... And finally, all this month, if you visit Sawtooth Grill and choose either the cranberry and pecan spinach salad or the strawberry-rhubarb cobbler, they'll contribute a dollar of the green stuff to the cause of the pink: the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

Mark as Favorite

It Happened Here: Expo '74 Fifty Years Later @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through Jan. 26
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