by MICHAEL BOWEN & r & & r & Conservative, Older & r & & r & That's the way the Academy skews in comparison to innovative, younger filmmakers, according to the Oscar nominations. Consider Atonement's eight noms; Tommy Lee Jones; Tom Wilkinson; Hal Holbrook (well, he deserves this); just two noms for Into the Wild; just a song nomination for Once (but three for Enchanted); Jonny Greenwood's score for There Will Be Blood disqualified; no love for Eddie Vedder's Wild score... and well, yes, Casey Affleck and Ellen Page got acting noms, and Original Screenplay had three surprises, and Jason Reitman (Juno) snuck in as a directing nominee.

But still. With a lot of good but unseen movies (of the above-mentioned movies, only Juno and Enchanted have done well at the box office), maybe the Oscar nominations can highlight the best of what Hollywood has to offer, whether traditional or innovative.

Classics at Magic Lantern

Speaking of movies, starting this week, check out Inlander Night at the Movies every Wednesday at 7 pm at the spiffy new Magic Lantern. For one showing only, you can see classics, both modern and eternal, that must be seen on a big screen. This week it's the Coen Brothers' Blood Simple, and on Feb. 6 it's Madonna in Desperately Seeking Susan. Watch our Screen section for details.

A Natural Emergency?

Why do we treat childbirth as an emergency instead of a natural event? Why is the rate of C-sections so high in industrialized nations? To get some answers (from the Inland Northwest Doula Network and the folks at, watch The Business of Being Born on Saturday, Jan. 26, at 7 pm at the Bing. Call 939-0793.

Serenade Stroll

If you're ambling down Sherman in Coeur d'Alene on Friday night and you hear a m & eacute;lange of jazz/rock/blues sounds leaping out at you from within places like Cricket's or Brix or the Moose Market, then you've been snared by the rhythms of Music Walk. Visit, because musicians will be playing from 5 pm-midnight at nine venues, and they'll return on Feb. 22 and March 28.

Fashioned Flora

If you're interested in how the Olmsted Brothers influenced Spokane, visit the MAC to take in presentations tonight and the next two Thursdays, Jan. 31 and Feb. 7, at 7 pm. It's $15 per lecture, or $30 for the series.

Mark as Favorite

It Happened Here: Expo '74 Fifty Years Later @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through Jan. 26
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