THURSDAY, APRIL 19 & r & & r & 7:30 pm, the Bing, Tim Egan and Jess Walter, "Off the Record: A Conversation" (opening: Ann Joslin Williams); $16-$20
Throughout the day, writers appear at area schools and colleges
2:30 pm, Spokane Club, Readings by seven EWU Press authors
7:30 pm, Showalter Hall, EWU, Cheney
Walter Mosley, "A Writer's Life, Easy Rawlins Style" (opening: M.L. Smoker); $16-$20
9-11:30 am, Spokane Club, Writing workshops on fiction, young adult fiction and nonfiction; $50; call 623-4284
9:30 am, Spokane Club, Walter Mosley, "This Year, You Write Your Novel"; $10 tickets at Auntie's
Noon, Spokane Club, Panels on "The Editor's Craft" and Elizabeth Bishop
1 pm, Spokane Club, Lost Horse Press readings by six regional poets
1:30-4 pm, Spokane Club, Workshops on revising poems (Alberto Rios) and designing books (Ed Marquand)
1:30 pm, Spokane Club, Celebrating the Voices of Youth: readings by writers in grades 2-12
2-3:30 pm, Lorinda Knight Gallery, Distant Rain book signing with Tess Gallagher and Keiko Hara
2:30 pm, Spokane Club, Celebrating Festival Authors: readings by five writers and poets
3-5 pm, Spokane Club, Workshop for teen writers
4:15 pm, Spokane Club, Reading by fiction writer Charles D'Ambrosio
7:30 pm, the Bing, An Evening of Poetry, Tess Gallagher and Alberto Rios (opening: Jim Daniels); $12-$15
10 pm, CenterStage, Novelist Jonathan Lethem
2 pm, the Bing, Sherman Alexie; all free tickets are gone.
7 pm, Area 58, Open mic (with music at 6 pm)
Visit www.ewu/edu/get lit or e-mail
[email protected] or call 623-4262.