Question of the Week

If you owned a farm, what type of animals would you want to raise?


The old lady would say cows. She'd make sure that that's what we have — first at least.

For milk?

She'd like them as pets. But definitely milk.

What type of animal do you think would be most difficult to raise on a farm?

That's a good one, probably a horse. You've got to worry the most about them. The rest of them, you just throw them out there and let them eat the grass.


Oh I have to get myself in my farm frame of mind. I know they're kind of obnoxious, but I really think I'd like a goat.

That would be a lot of fun.

Because they are kind of obnoxious that means they have personalities, which would be fun, and also just eating the grass. And the baby goats!


Goats. 100% goats. I've already thought about this.

Why goats?

Goats are my favorite animal. I just like watching them. They're fun, dude, they just do fun stuff.

You said you're visiting from Texas, have you seen the Garbage Goat yet?

No, what's that?

It's just over there, you've got to see it. It's this statue of a goat, and if you have trash or something it sucks it up. It's a Spokane icon.

We gotta find some trash! That's awesome.


What about a Highland cow?

Like the Scottish ones with the big hair?

Yeah, I only know that because my wife shows me [pictures]. She's always like, "Can we get a mini cow?"

Why would you choose Highland cows?

Because I can't come up with anything else and my wife has bothered me to death about it. There's TikToks, influencers with Highland cows.


Do we have to just pick one animal?

It can be as many as you want.

Goats, chickens... horses.

Why goats?

Personality is kind of my main thing. They're kind of like big dogs in some way. Definitely dairy goats, maybe a couple meat goats depending on how brave we were feeling.


Echoes of Expo @ Riverfront Park

May 4-July 7
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